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Site Map, city-country:

On this page you find a list of the different countries featured on Several destinations are available in each of this countries. Select your country, and then click on the city you are interested in. A page with a description of this destination and a photo will be shown.



Austria: Vienna Austria

Australia: Melbourne_Australia.htm

Belgium: Brussels Belgium

Brazil: Recife Brazil

Cuba: Pinar del rio Cuba

Czech Republic: Brno Czech Budejovice Czech Krumlov Czech Prague Czech

Egypt: Abu Simbel Egypt Alexandria Egypt Aswan Egypt Cairo Egypt.htm Luxor_Egypt Red Sea Egypt

France: bordeaux France lyon france orleans france

Hungary: Budapest Hungary

Italy: Rome Italy Venice Italy Florence Italy Padua Italy Naples Italy Verona Italy Milan Italy

Portugal: Lisbon Portugal Braga Portugal Porto Portugal

Peru: Machu Pichu

Nepal: Annapurna Circuit

Romania: Bucharest Romania

Scotland: Glasgow Scotland

Slovakia: Bratislava Slovakia

Spain: Barcelona Spain Madrid Spain Mallorca Spain Granada Spain Seville Spain Cordoba Spain Sitges Spain Santiago Spain Valencia Spain Toledo Spain

Tanzania: Ngorongoro Tanzania

US: Everglades Florida Saint Augustine Florida pittsburgh pennsylvania


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