The Pineapple Post


Volume 6 Issue 1¨ London¨ December 2006

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Happy Holidays!

Wishing You all the Best in 2007

The Thomas family is all well and thriving in London. It has been a year of change, challenge, and cheer.

Sadly, Jeff's father Dale passed away unexpectedly in March. We miss him every day and were able to have a small remembrance ceremony for him around Thanksgiving. Yuko made a complete career change, joining Polygon Investment Partners, a multi-strategy hedge fund, in June. She is working in Business Development (marketing, investor relations, fund administration, and some HR). Jeff carries on at ANZ Investment Bank. Sophie started Reception in September, and absolutely loves it. And last, but not least, Ivy is an active toddler with a great sense of humor!

Continuing a new tradition, the girls have recorded their second annual Christmas Carol video - please see attached. Best wishes for a very happy holiday season and 2007!

Jeff, Yuko, Sophie & Ivy


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