Craig Turner A homepage displaying the wonders of his exchanges to Germany and Australia! |
Barrie |
Eddie Carrasco Eddie the Aussie Bloke's happening corner of the web! |
John Wilson John's not really done page. An ode to drinking beer in the Australian outback. |
Alison Woodcock Big Al's travels in New Zealand and Australia (There's actually a photo on her page with me in it!! Look for the bright blue shirt!) |
Lisa Van Boven K20 Elec Eng chick Lisa's fabulous page she completed when her boss ran out of work for her a while back. |
Michelle Geisler Shelle's 'still under construction' home page which I'm sure will be way cool soon! |
Chachra Super-genius Chach's site! |
Holmes Big Balls' page which he hasn't touched in way too long. Get your lazy ass in gear boy! |
Deryk Deryk is an Aussie, unfortunately he seems to have become disoriented recently and wandered into Japan. Now he can't find his way home... |
Shannon Shannon is an Aussie as well. She's not lost right now, but has been in the past. |
Bridge Bridger's wild and crazy sports n stuff homepage! |
Bhole Here's the mighty Ketan's page of rap music'n stuff |
Huynh Pamtons page of nothing. But here's a link anyway if he ever gets his lazy ass in gear! |
Eisler Big Puke's page of video games and everything else under the sun. |
main menu |
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Copyright © 2000 Christopher Moore. All rights reserved.