Tehmina and Andrew's World

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Our Trip to Arkansas

We hope you enjoy the photos of our trip to Mountain View, Arkansas.  We had a wonderful time and we highly recommend that everyone should visit this quaint little town if at all possible, especially to see the caverns.  Please click on the images to see a larger view.

arandrewoldcarthumb.JPG (3731 bytes)Andrew posing in front of a beautiful old car

arbugsthumb.jpg (3183 bytes)Look at the size of them bugs!

arbythebigchairthumb.jpg (2897 bytes)Layton and I dwarfed by one big chair

arinthebigchairthumb.jpg (4071 bytes)Andrew's in the hot seat

arironworksthumb.jpg (2908 bytes)The two of us in the same frame, amazing!

arcavernthumb.jpg (3566 bytes)Wow!

arwhichwaythumb.jpg (3744 bytes)Which way do I go?