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Hello I'm Tim.

I signed up on 03/01/98.

My interests are:
Internet Chatting.

The description of my page is:
Vacationing in Cancun
I Love the FACB

Tico Tico

A few of my 1997 vacation photos (five photos, will take time to load up)

Miami Herald, La Joya

Miami Herald, Cancun Chatters gathering

Mi amiga y yo.

Gina, Miami Herald

Stained Glass Window above the 4 Story tall Lobby of the Coral Beach

Mom reading a book on the balcony. It was cool that day.

Part of the pool of the Coral Beach.

The Beach!

Mi amigo's new office.

Mom, mi amigo and my bother Kent.

Looking towards Punta Cancun and the Camino Real.

My Volleyball Court! We lost 10 feet of beach in one night.

Looking toward the Hotel Arrecife and the FA Cancun on a sunny day.

The next few pics were taken on a partly sunny day with the wind gusting to 60 mph. This is Punta Cancun.

15 ft. waves at the Camino Real.

Looking toward The Forum, All Star Cafe, the Hyatt beach, the Girasol, et. al.

Heavy sea mist down island.

Looking toward Punta Cancun on a rainy day.

Back to the windy day. The CR's seaside beach. FACB in background.

Surf's up!

Rough Sea.

Rough Sea. again looking down island.

Punta Cancun. 15 ft wave.

Lighthouse at Punta Cancun.

Iguana at Punta Cancun.

Shrine to the Madonna inside the employee's entrance to the FACB.

Rain over Isla Mujeres.

Closeup of the Camino Real's seaside beach during that windstorm.

Punta Cancun on a rainy day.

Looking toward the Hotel Arricife and FA Cancun on a rainy day.

Mi amigos Rich and Michelle in front of their apartment.

Rich and Michelle.

Bro catching some rays!

Chatter's Get Together! Rich, Gina (Miami Herald reporter) and Kent.

Don's friends, Don and Gina.

Executive Chef of the Fiesta Americana Coral Beach. He took us on a 1 & 1/2 hr. tour of the kitchens, bakery, food lockers, laundry and mechanical workings of the FACB!

Get Together. Michelle, Rich. Gina, Kent and Mom.

Cancun Chatters! Michelle, Rich, Kent, Mom, Missy y Esposa, Woodeye y Esposa, Carlos y Paco.

Michelle, Rich, Kent, Mom?, Missy y Esposa, Tim, Don, Woodeye y Esposa.

Earlier get together of Michelle, Kent, Mom, Tim and Rich exchanging goodies.

Mom, Carlos, Kent and Tim. SIGH! The End (muchas gracias fier for your help!). Muchas Gracias for visiting!

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