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Cascade Amateur Radio society

Affiliated with ARRL.ORG

The Society is a non-commercial, non-profit association of persons in the Southwest Washington and Northwest Oregon vicinity interested in Amateur Radio.

The Society is organized to assist with the emergency communications training and needs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), its members, and the community. The Society promotes interest in, and enjoyment of, Amateur Radio communication, experimentation and education in the community.

The Society also seeks to provide regional amateur radio repeater communications for the community. The activities and resources of The Society are dedicated exclusively to the purposes stated herein.

We invite you to join us. Click here for an application.

The Cascade Amateur Radio Society will meet the 4th Friday of each month at 7 p.m. at the LDS Bishop's Storehouse on SE 82 Ave. The building is just east or behind the Deseret Industries building at 10420 SE 82nd Av. Other meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday and every fourth Friday with the exception of the ones in November and December. They are combined for an annual dinner to be announced beforehand (usually the first Friday in December).

CARS holds a weekly on-the-air meeting, called a net, each Sunday at 9:00 P.M. PST on CARS VHF Repeater on 146.700 - offset, with a PL tone of 100.0. Also monitored are the simplex frequency 147.555 MHz and the CARS UHF repeater on 444.525/449.525 with access tone 103.5. If the repeaters are down, nets will be held on the simplex frequency.

What's New

The Articles of Organization have been updated. (See Officers and Term of Office. April 2004)

Upcoming events:

(information greatly appreciated)

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song lyrics
updated 23 Oct 2005, original index.html at index1.html

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