That's how bicyclists are handicapped in Denmark !

Not the final version, yet; please observe this!

Attention Japanese tourists: the lanes to the left of the actual pedestrian lanes are actually bicycle lanes, and you are not supposed to walk on them! I know this is confusing for you, as you are having left lane traffic in Japan, and in Denmark the traffic is right-laned, but please learn to do it right.

The problem with the traffic in Denmark is the same as in all other countries all over the World:
That's the way it has gone. My text will try to present you the consequences.
Maybe I will also suggest some solutions.
Personally, I cannot recommend you to travel to Denmark, but maybe you should have a look for you own?
Bon voyage!

Other Things for Tourists

It is strange, but for some strange reason the windows in the older local trains (S-tog) cannot be opened, which is a nuisance if the weather as happens now and then is slightly warmer than normal for a Danish "summer". This means that the inside of the traincars gets abnormously warm, and you cannot open the windows to experience some cooling air stream. Even worse, the Danish State Railways have not managed to install the windows so that they stay open, rather they slide up into closed position because of the trains' vibrations during the ride. Denmark Today - Travel Information & Phone Numbers
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