Hi, I'm Matthew Todd.

Welcome to my temporary home page.

Serious web construction work is underway, but for now you will have to make do with this.

I am a formerUnited Nations Volunteer, currently working in Sri Lanka as an independent consultant on development issues and Information Technology.

Between February 2000 and June 2004, I was working for the UN in Sri Lanka, first as a UN Volunteer, and latterly in the Mine Action project of UNDP. You can find the latest information on the landmine situation in Sri Lanka here.

Before joining UNV in February 2000, I spent two years as a VSO Volunteer, working as a lecturer at the University of Colombo in the Department of Statistics and Computer Science.

In November 2002, I was married to Malathi Thalgodapitiya, and you can see some photos from our wedding.

Check out the site of Rochdale Football Club, my favourite team, and one of the things I miss most about UK.


You can contact me by email at: matthew_todd@sltnet.lk or matthew@openlink.org or mcotodd@yahoo.com

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