
Dec. 12, 1999

Wow... in less than 2 weeks, I will be leaving Finland and heading back to Canada.  I wanna dedicate this page to my friends that I have met here in Oulu, Finland,  and also to my family and friends who are back in Canada.  I´m sure looking forward to being back in Canada soon for Christmas, and at the same time, I also want my Finland friends to know that I will never forget them.... that they are always in my thoughts and in my prayers, and that they are always welcome whenever they come to Canada for a visit.  Remember,  Canada is just a plane ticket away!  =)

The Lord has truly blessed me so much... I have been receiving endless blessings from Him ever since I came here, and am truly grateful for them.....  And I'd like to share my experiences with you all...  Do take the time to visit my homepage (although it's nothing fancy), and thank you all for your prayers and for your support... =)

                                                                                     In Christ,
                                                                                     Nat  (aka fin_girl_99)


NEW Photos:
1/ My trip to St-Petersburg, Russia
2/ My trip to Stockholm, Sweden

3/  My photos of Oulu
4/  People I met here :  
     My Chinese Friends (from Ping Pong)
     My Chinese Students (whom i´m tutoring english to)
     My Finnish Family (1, 2 )     
5/  My trip to Turku
6/  My trip to Rauma
7/  My trip to the Ranua Zoo
8/  My trip to Helsinki (1, 2, 3, 4 )
9/  At the Tietomaa Science Center   (1, 2)
10/  A Day at the Beach
11/  Cooking Carelian Pastries

Previous Photos:

1/  My Previous Main page
2/  My trip to the Santa Claus Village  (Rovaniemi)
3/  Dinner with my German Friends
4/  My Finnish Church Friends & Exploring the City of Oulu
5/  My Trip to Hailuoto
6/  Other photos of the U. of Oulu, the city, etc...

= new


My Campus Fellowship:
(Hey guys, I've been praying for you guys every day now.... take care....and serve the Lord with all your heart on campus, ok!)

1/  CCF Photo Album1
2/  CCF Photo Album2
3/ CCF Photo Album3

Links to UW CCF Homepage


Email:   wnwong@engmail.uwaterloo.ca <or> nat_0124@yahoo.com