"Immersing you in rural village-based eco-Adventure experiences"
P. O. Box 1373, Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea. Tel: (+675) 686 2439. E-mail: skyuimb@hotmail.com
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Welcome to PNG, the world's last frontier!
Papua New Guinea Eco-Adventure Tours Ltd. is a nationally-owned company and is based out of Mt. Hagen. We specialize in offering individualized, budget-friendly, and fully-escorted tour packages in Papua New Guinea. Our customers are usually eco-tourists who prefer visiting remote rural villages and experiencing aboriginal tribes's cultural and natural environments. Whether your interests are in diving, trekking, bird-watching, cultural shows, native tribes, rural villages, biodiversity, or etc., we can tailor a best travel experience for you. Our tour programs are filled with nothing but 'pure adventure' and our prices are simply unbeatable. We know Papua New Guinea better than anyone; count on us to guide you throughout our country.
 Papua New Guinea Tour Programs 2005
The Goroka and Mt. Hagen cultural shows normally serve as pinnacle eco-adventure experiences for many tourists. We are pleased to once again sell our tour programs below to eco-tourists in 2005. Summaries of the two tour programs are given below. In order to obtain their detailed tour itineraries in PDF, HTML, or MS Word formats or for any other matter, send e-mail to Samson Yuimb at skyuimb@hotmail.com and/ or skyfdn@hotmail.com. You can also call tel: (+675) 686 2439.
Tour Code: LTP #0105
Event: Mt. Hagen Cultural Show Tour 2005
Show dates: August 18 to 21 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
Tour period: 12 days/ 11 nights
Tour type: Fully-escorted, land-based, and individualized
Tour duration & dates: August 12 to 23
Total Land Cost = US$3, 125 per person
Tour Code: LTP #0205
Event: Goroka Cultural Show Tour 2005
Show dates: September 17 (Saturday) and 18 (Sunday)
Tour period: 12 days/ 11 nights
Tour type: Fully-escorted, land-based, and individualized
Tour duration & dates: September 8 to 19
Total Land Cost = US$3, 155 per person
Other Cultural Shows - 2005
PNG Eco-Adventure Tours Ltd. does organize its own cultural shows in remote rural villages for individuals or groups that cannot make it to either Goroka or Mt. Hagen Cultural Shows during the year. 
Other of PNG's popular cultural shows as named below are equally unique, diversely colorful, and each staged in different provinces. If you miss the Mt. Hagen or the Goroka cultural shows, you can make up for it in one of the following shows. We offer custom-designed tour packages to any of these shows throughout the year. 
Enga Cultural Show
July 30 and 31, 2005
Morobe Agricultural Show
October 30 and 31
Goroka Coffee Festival
May 5, 6, 7
Kimbe Cultural Show
October 8 to 12
Madang Cultural Show
Date yet to be known
Kontu Shark Festival
Date yet to be known
Malagan Mask Festival
July 30 and 31
Hiri Moale Festival
September 16, 17 & 18
Trobriand Yam Festival
Date yet to be known
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Want a remote rural village experience?
Stay a day or more at Kokop Village Eco-Tourism Center and the experience simple, innocent, and untouched rural village life at Kokop Village - home of the native Kentiga Tribe. The newly-developing eco-lodge facility is located inside the 50-hectare Kokop Wopkola Rainforest Conservation Area and is near both the 100-feet Inbilg Waterfalls and the mighty Turulg River. The 8-room eco-lodge is built purely of bush materials and furnished in the interior with comfortable modern bed and furniture items. For additional information & bookings, click here.
Various volunteer opportunities exist for short stints at Kokop Village in Western Highlands Province for foreigners willing to share their skills, knowledge, and experiences with the local tribal people. For more information on projects, personnel needs, and how to apply, CLICK HERE.
Thank you for visiting!
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All rights reserved by Samson Komati Yuimb. 
Copyrighted 2005 ©. Last updated February 28, 2005.
Papua New Guinea