Hi there! My name is Karin. Click on one of the icons to see what I'm all about...Enjoy! |
All About Me! Here's where you'll find what I do, and some of the things I'm into. |
My Weight Watchers Page... I am striving to lose weight with Weight Watchers. Click here to see how I'm doing, and view my journal. |
March 24, 2004 |
Here's the most recent development in my life - my soon-to-be baby!! I'm due on September 29, 2003 - expecting my first child. My husband and I are so happy!! Click here to see pictures and information on our new bundle of joy! |
March 24, 2004 |
I am involved in a group called Mediums, Inc. It is a group of non-profit spiritual mediums, who help bring closure, and comfort to those still on this earth, from their loved ones who have crossed over. They are sharing their gifts, with those who need the assistance. |
My Picture Page... You'll find pictures of me, my husband, family and our friends. I'm always looking for new pictures, so if you know me, send them on over! I'll put them up. |
My Links Page... There are links to my friends webpages, pages I enjoy, and pages I find useful information. |
Dedication to Sept. 11th - I have found a website with wonderful graphics to tribute the tragedy. I've selected a few of my favorites, and included the URL on my links page. |
Updated: March 24, 2004 |