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Welcome to M~Kay's Place.....
Let's Get Cookin'!
Family Pics

My name is Mary.
I am a 47 year old mom / stepmom of 7 kids.

And I am a Grandma! Five Beautiful Grand Kids !

We live in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania!
Nestled in the Susquehanna Valley.

My hobbies are houseplants, working my business', and I love learning new programs and chatting with my friends online.

The purpose of creating this site was to have a place to find fun links and information, get a chuckle and to recieve encouragement and hopefully spiritual growth.

I hope that I can accomplish these things and would love to hear from you with your comments, suggestions or to just say HI.

M_Kay =:o)

Special Tribute to my Beloved Son Dustin
My Home Businesses

Freebie Force
Brown Bag Party