My Links
Page |
Whale Pictures |
My Internet Connection is
online 24/7. You can leave me a Message on Yahoo - Messenger and or Email me (on the link (to the left) Thank you ... George
Burnet Web Master - Hervey bay Qld, Q4655 Australia I use and recommend
the services provided by;
Big Blue Internet
Services. A Division of "iiNet - connecting you better
iiNet specialises in super fast
ADSL2+ broadband. Get
the fastest speeds around,
to 24,000kbps - ordinary broadband just isn't the same.
- The Spice Guys, (George
Burnett Trading As;) Unit 3/327 The Esplanade, Scarness, Hervey
Bay Q4655 Distributors of:
- Wholesale Distributors of Traditional Indian
Snack Food Products, 100% Halal. "Web
Site Here"
- Wholesale & Trade Distributors of;
Kumari Spices N Things, Herbs, Spices,
Curry Blends & Seasonings within the Queensland, Wide Bay District! "WEB
- Kumari Spices N Things
Brisbane Queensland, Wholesale Product List available "HERE"
Four "NEW" Pages have been listed for you to purchase bulk Direct from
Kumari Spices N Things, Brisbane! Wholesale
Supplies of All Products.
- We are Wide Bay Wholesale Distributors for:
Signal &
Logic Inkjet Compatible Printer Cartridges, Ink Refill Kits, Bulk
Ink 100mls. Laser Compatible Toner Cartridges and Replacement Laser
Drums. Our Web Site: "HERE"
Mail Orders Welcome, Australia wide.
Compatible Inkjet Printer Cartridges at a lower
Cost than for Re-filling, and "Genuine
Brand Name Ink"
- Phone/Fax: (07) 4124 8687 Mobile: 0422 297 925
- Our Email Address "HERE"
or on all pages listed above.
Monthly Marketing & Promotional Schedule;
1st Saturday of each Month "Howard Markets"
1st Sunday of each Month Bundaberg [Schalom
College Markets].
2nd Sunday of each Month "Hervey Bay Koala Markets"
3rd Sunday of each Month Bundaberg [Schalom
College Markets].
4th Sunday of each Month "Hervey Bay Koala Markets".
there is a 5th Sunday
we will be at the "Hervey Bay Koala Markets".
Site" See "Koala Urangan Markets Dates "HERE"
Don't forget about our new Signal Inkjet
Compatible Printer Cartridges, view our full range and Prices on our
Web Site: "CLICK
Our "Signal Inkjet Printer Cartridges"
prices all include GST.
If you desire to place an order for any of "The
Spice Guys" Products,
you may do so, and if being "COLLECTED" at any of the aforementioned
Markets, Delivery will be FREE, "PLUS you will receive a 10% discount on
I was
seriously overweight, and in September 2003, (With
great help from my treating physician)
I decided it was time for me to reduce my "BULK"
LEASE OF LIFE, details of my
weight reduction can be read "HERE".
I have now achieved a weight loss of well over
56 KG, I am no
longer Insulin Dependant, and I am feeling a lot better than I have for
many years. I am now back to walking instead of using the car as an
excuse to visit or go to the local shops, and a friend gave me a mountain
bike for regular exercise, which is terrific, I was into competitive
Cycle Racing from about when I was 14 years of age, so it really feels good to be
back cycling again! A very close friend and wonderful family man fell
asleep on 24th September 2004, so that was my turning point, he too was
a Type 2 Mature Onset Diabetic, and not looking after himself, and I
decided I wanted to live and pass on my knowledge to other people.
check with your Treating
Physician before you
try my diet? (Updated
15th December 2006)
I turned sixty seven (67) years of age
on 3rd September 2005, [Now 68 years of age] as I have been going so well I
decided it was time for me to finish the "Herbs,
Spices & Seasonings Recipe Book", I had been
researching for the past three (3) years. On completion of the
Book I then decided to compile a
CD Recipe Book with over 2,441 of the
very old Grandmother type Recipes. You can view details of the "Book"
and/or the CD Recipe Book, '"HERE".
By the way my special Mobility Allowance Security Number is
(Centrelink Reference Number: 404-075-477V). Thank you sincerely for your time and
considerations ..... As of the 13th September 2005, "THE
SPICE GUYS" was Officially Registered to me as "Sole
Trader", you can view my "Business
Registration Documentation" "HERE"
PLEASE NOTE: I am the only independent
Wholesaler of Herbs, Spices & Seasonings in the Wide Bay Burnett
District of Queensland, Australia selling direct to the Public at
Sincerely George Burnett 14th October 2006. Details of my 67th Birthday BBQ can be
Still not completely
satisfied with all I was doing I decided that other's should get to know
all about "Herbs, Spices & Seasonings" and the wonderful "Medicinal
Values" not forgetting the great flavour and taste of Herbs, Spices &
Seasonings, so commenced a Sole proprietor business named "The Spice Guys", and
officially opened the registered business as of Sunday 14th August 2005. You will
find the website for "The
Spice Guys" on this "LINK",
I have included details of as many Vegetables as possible, and will
continue to update the Web Site as further information is found! For
information on "Vegetables"
please "CLICK
HERE". I have added an online "ORDER FORM" for
you to purchase Herbs, Spices & Seasonings at "WHOLESALE
PRICES" I have been very fortunate to obtain the use of a
fully registered and licensed packing room, so that all of my products
are packed under the strictest hygiene conditions available. If you go
to "The
Spice Guys Web Site" you will see a pictures of the packing room.
George Burnett,
Computer Services Hervey Bay,
Phone 0741248687, Mobile; 0422 297
925, Spy Ware Software Installation Specialist, XP Professional
Operating System Installations, Microsoft Office Installations, Hard
Drive Formatting using Partition Magic, Hard Drive preparation in
or Fat32 Format, Virus
Residential Networking Win 98 & XP
Detection & Removal, Computer Generated Business
Cards, Web Page Design & Hosting, Internet Marketing, FREE Web
Page Hosting Arranged, Computer Software Up-Grades, Sales &
Service, Computers, Monitors, Accessories, New and Used, DVD & CD
Burning & Backup, Coloured Scanning Service, Secretarial Services,
Digital Photography Service, Computer Tuition, Brochure & Business
Marketing Leaflets Designed to your specification, Sorry but, By
Appointment Only.
Thanks for visiting my
"Links Page",
as of Thursday, 26th September 2002, I re-commenced my Fraser Island and
Small Business Marketing and Promotional via the Internet, from my
Apartment in Torquay, Hervey Bay, (as of Friday 18th July 2003,
address is now Unit 3 - 327 The Esplanade, Scarness Hervey Bay
Queensland, Australia. Please NOTE, Fraser Island links are all listed
My NEW Herbs, Spices & Seasonings
Recipe Book has been withdrawn and
is now available as a CD
Recipe Book,
the cost $3.95.00 (Hervey Bay) within Australia,
Postage Costs of $2.00 Check out the Herbs, Spice &
If you have you
a property to sell, we offer a FREE Web Page hosting Service? You can advertise on my Real Estate Pages
per page including 20 Digital Pictures
[Per Page]
HERE" If required I will personally call to your property and
take the Digital Pictures for inclusion on our Web Pages!
- My
CD Cook Book Contains the following Recipes;
BBQ Recipes - 33;
Cake Recipes - 273;
Camping Recipes - 9;
Crock Pot Recipes - 469;
Diabetic Recipes - 407;
Fish Recipes - 51;
Indian Recipes - 5;
International Recipes - 49;
Italian Recipes - 24;
Mexican Recipes - 20;
Pizza Recipes - 22;
Poultry Recipes - 246;
Restaurant Recipes - 54;
Salad Recipes - 25;
Secret Recipes - 57; Vegetable Recipes
- 160; Herb & Spice
Recipes - 56;
My Favourite Recipes - 481;
Web Site "HERE"
- This CD sells at $4.95, if
posted Australia Wide add $2.00 = $6.95 Total!
City Butchery
Pialba Place &
Torquay Butchery
Are the leading and largest Wholesale and Retail Meat
Provisionary in Hervey Bay, with a clientele from Gympie to Rockhampton.
Having known Gary Richards personally since 1973, I can personally
guarantee the quality of his Beef, Lamb, Pork and Chicken products.
You can also order your requirements ONLINE!
Whale City Butchery, Hervey Bay's largest
Retail and Wholesale meat suppliers, home made style small good and ham,
bacon etc, Torquay Butchery The Esplanade, Torquay. Gary Richards has
been servicing the Backpacker Industry in Hervey Bay for the past 20
years! Gary makes up Special Packs of Meat for Backpackers, planning
their visit to Fraser Island.
Gouldian white breast finch Gouldian Finch for
sale, Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia,- Chloebia Gouldian Common Names
Lady Gouldian, Rainbow finch, name sometimes shortened to Gould.
Description Male: The breast and belly colours are usually used to
determine sex. Males will have a brighter and darker colour of purple on
the chest and the yellow of the belly will be darker and more intense
than the female. "CLICK
George Burnett,
is a
2nd generation, resident of Hervey Bay in Queensland,
Australia, Digital Imaging, Digital Photography, Business Cards,
Computer Software Upgrades, and is one of the largest Internet marketing
consultants for Fraser Island, Backpacking, 4x4 Adventure Tours and much
more, also Wide Bay Wholesale Distributor for
Inkjet Compatible Printer Cartridges, Laser Replacement Toner
Cartridges and Replacement Laser Drums!
SITE" My Personal Web Pages,
provide all relevant information in reference to my Employment History,
work in association
with Alan Johansen
Street, Pialba Q4655, Phone: (07) 41246015 Fax: (07) 41246018. E-mail:
Alan is the Hervey Bay Authorised Mitsubhisi Service Centre, Computers,
Monitors, Accessories, New and Used, Sales and Service. Alan has been in
business in Hervey Bay for over 22 years, and I have 22 years computer
experience. If you require software upgrades, please contact me. Phone:
(07) 41248687 Mobile: 0422 297 925
We look forward to hearing from you! View My Services "HERE"
George Burnett, Personal Weight Loss Web Page George Burnett, is
a well known local resident of Hervey Bay in Queensland, Australia,
Digital Imaging, Digital Photography, Business Cards, Computer Software
Upgrades, and is one of the largest Internet marketing consultants for
Fraser Island, Backpacking, 4x4 Adventure Tours and much more!
Cards, Web Page Design & Hosting
Internet Marketing; Computer Software Upgrades; Sales & Service;
Computers; Monitors; Accessories; New or Used; DVD & CD Burning;
Scanning; Secretarial Services; Digital Photography; Computer Tuition Working in Association with;
Bay City Electronics, Shop 8, Focal Point, 19 Taylor Street, Pialba Qld
4655, near Corner of Torquay Road. Q4655 (Ph: (07) 4124 6015
By Appointment Only.
Ph: (07) 4124 8687 Mobile: 0422 297 925E-mail:
- An Australian Accountant (P.N.A.)
Offering professional taxation accounting to clients in all parts of
Australia - including mail order tax returns Phone
FREE CALL: 1300 794 764 LOCAL CALL:
07 4124 3415 Fax: 07 4124 3415
Mobile: 0419 984 149
If you require
"high quality digital" pictures for a project, then digital is the way to go. I offer a Digital
Picture Service within Hervey Bay area. My charges are $20.00 per hour,
which includes placing the pictures onto a CD for you to use in your
computer or to have them printed from CD at any picture processing
company. We also provide a downloading service from Digital Camera's and
burn images onto CD's. Please inquire from web site!
Hervey Bay Family History Association Inc Located
in the Family History Room at the Hervey Bay Library, 161 Old
Maryborough Road, Pialba, Hervey Bay, Queensland, 4655. Phone:
07-4197-4237 Enquiries by Email: Hours:
Monday to Thursday 9am - 4pm; Friday and Saturday 9am - 3.30pm, except
Public Holidays
There are volunteers in attendance each day to assist you with your
Genealogy Information, some dating back to the
year 1545 for the
Anderson, Andersen, Beckett, Farrell, McLeod, McPherson, Rondeau and
Rondo families, as well as many others who married into these
families. The Andersen Family emigrated from Copenhagen, Denmark in
February of 1892 aboard the S/S Thingvalla. To see story and photos of
the Thingvalla, and a story of the collision with the S/S Geiser
Interesting Information about Denmark Historical dates, family naming
patterns, and general genealogical information If you are interested in
genealogy and want to do research on the Internet, here are several
links that will get you started,
Hours we are open;
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 8:30 AM - 12 Noon
Monday and Wednesday Night 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
New Members and visitors always welcome!
Seashell Lodge is located
within walking distance to Eurong Resort, on Fraser
Island and the Eurong shops including the bakery, convenience
store, petrol and restaurants. The Police station is also located at
Eurong. he home runs 24 hours per day on solar
power with generator backup. Holiday makers only need to bring their own
linen and food. The outdoor bar-b-que facilities are available to all
tenants as well as the grassed yard and parking bay area.
Tourist destinations for sight
seeing such as Lake Mackenzie, Lake Wabby, Central Station, Kingfisher
Bay, Eli Creek and the wreck of the Maheno are all within easy driving
Excellent Beach front
Holiday Accommodation, close to shops, hotel, restaurants, pharmacy and
many other small businesses, 4 minutes to Pialba CBD! Reservations
absolutely necessary!
the World Heritage
Listed Beautiful Fraser Island
World Heritage Listed Fraser Island, is on
my "Discovering
Fraser Island web site, it lists all the camping sites, walks,
lakes, safe driving, dingoes, how Fraser Island was formed, Fraser
Island, largest Sand Island in the world and visited by more than
350,000 tourists a year. Excellent Camping Safari's or Guided Fraser
Island Tours are available. Simply
E-mail me,
for more information. This web site has many
features, where you will learn all about the wonderful and exciting
features of the World's Largest Sand Island, its World Heritage
Listing, and an extensive Introduction to the Island, details of Wildlife; including Dingoes; advice on
how to be Dingo Smart; Touring and Camping Guides; Day
Visit area Information; Sand Driving Safety;
Maps of Walking areas on
Fraser Island; Information about the Lakes in porous sand; Sand dunes,
Sculpted over time by wind, waves and water into a landscape of long
sweeping beaches, scattered with signs of Aboriginal occupation going
back thousands of years, the beautiful Coloured sands of Fraser
Island; how Forests were created on bare sand; Things to Do; a
detailed list and maps of 39 Short Walks you can enjoy when you visit
Fraser Island ... Please enjoy your visit to this informative Fraser
Island web site.
Island Worlds Largest Sand Island, Picture Web site.
site has been designed to let you see in Pictures, the wonders and
"enjoyment" of a visit to our World Heritage Listed Fraser
Island, the Largest Sand Island in the World. Fraser Island is visited
by well over 350,000 people each year, one of the most interesting
adventure trips you can ever do when you visit Australia.
Yahoo Group Picture Site
Join this group and learn more about Fraser Island, what you can do,
things to enjoy, how the members of this group can help and assist
you, when you plan your holiday to Fraser Island the World's Largest
Sand Island, visited by over 350,000 International Tourists, annually.
Has to be the most sort after "adventure" by Backpackers visiting
Australia. George Burnett, (moderator), is a local resident and can
assist you in many ways! Links to Humpback Whale
Pictures and Deep Sea Fishing Charters also included! George
also has a boutique email lounge for you to use privately, make sure
you have some of his fresh brewed coffee! Please be sure to check out
the "Links", for more information about Fraser Island, and other
exciting things you can do in the Hervey Bay and Wide bay districts!
Contact George Burnett,
(Moderator) ICQ # 11240526,
(07) 41248687 or by
Hervey Bay
Marine Park was declared in 1989 to conserve the natural resources of
the tidal lands and waters of Hervey Bay. Much of the Bay (including
the broad Platypus Bay off the North-Western side of Fraser Island) is
zoned to manage human activities around Humpback Whales and to monitor
the effects of such activities to protect the Whales. This zoning
applies from August 1 to November 30 each year when Whales are most
likely to be found in the Bay. Through this
management, many tens of thousands of people each year have some of
the worlds best opportunities to see one of nature's most magnificent
creatures in it's natural environment often at close quarters. Hervey
Bay is probably the best place in the world to see Humpback Whales in
their natural environment. This is largely due to two major
factors. A picture gallery of 7 pages of Humpback Whales at play.
Detailed information about the Humpback Whale.
Over the
past 9 years I have personally assisted
International Tourists and Visitors to Hervey Bay, and those especially
wishing to visit Fraser Island and/or the Fraser
Coast with Tourist Information. Many have suggested that I should
provide details of accommodation
that has been personally recommend to me by Backpackers
and International Tourists that have used the services on offer, and
as well as Fraser Island
Tourist Camping and Guided Tour
Companies that I have found to be most
courteous and provide an excellent service. As a local webmaster I have
also included other web sites that I have constructed and/or those of my
friends below, please "CLICK" on the links to view the
M.V. Golden Phoenix Fishing Charters
The M.V. Golden Phoenix has
been owned and operated successfully, as a charter fishing boat, by
Arthur and Lynette Mackie since 1994. Prior to that Arthur drove it
for the previous owners both Reef Fishing and Whale Watching out of
Hervey Bay, Australia.
is the most experienced fishing tour operator in the Hervey Bay fleet
having been fishing the central Queensland and Frazer Coast constantly
since 1970, spending 12 of those years as a professional. The Golden
Phoenix is a 50 foot Kevlar tri-hull, and is used for recreational
game, sport and Great Barrier Reef fishing, as well as scuba diving,
on the continental shelf and around such scenic areas as lady
Musgrave, Lady Elliot, the bunker and Capricorn groups, along with
Fraser Island, catching all types demersal species, such as sharks,
red emperor, coral trout, snapper, cobia, parrot, sweetlips, king,
trevally etc. while trolling lures for pelagic like marlin, sail, tuna
and mackerel. She is surveyed for fifteen pax. But normally
accommodate only 10 for comfort, corporate and mixed parties. Has 240v
power, TV. video, microwaves, pop up toaster, hot and cold showers,
and cater for one day by arrangement or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 day trips
tailored to suit the customers requirements. The Vocational fishing
adventures such as Arthur provides are real adrenalin pumpers with all
the right bait and tackle supplied to capture the “big ones” which
are cleaned and stored on ice (the only way to keep fish fresh) for
the clients to take home. Presenting Exclusive Deep
Sea, Sports Fish, Reef Fishing and Exclusive Dive Charters for up to
Ten (10) persons from 1 to 7 days.
Bay 4 Sale Pages
Please list your For Sale items here. Visit
the web site, send me an Email, with a picture if you want your item
listed. All listings on this web site are
FREE! NEW Listings now on my Hervey Bay For
Sale Pages "HERE"
Bay Real Estate Pages
This site has been designed for private Sales of Real Estate for local and Wide Bay area
residents. All you need to do is send me and Email, and details of
property for sale with any pictures you have and I
will upload them for you. A FEE of $40.00 per
page applies (Iincluding Digital
Photography), and the page remains active until you tell me that the
property has been sold or withdrawn. We are looking for property to sell
right now. Every property that has been listed on this site over the past 3 years has
been sold from the web site!