Visit Rotary International! SCANEX USA TRAIN TOUR 1999
Los Angeles - where it all started San Francisco - Chinese Food anyone ? Portland - laundry-day or rosegarden ? Sleepless in Seattle? Glacier National Park - River Wild !!!! Minneapolis - Shopping Spree My kind of town.... Chicago is ! Niagara Falls - feel the power ! New York - need to say more ? Boston - Facepaint and Fireworks !! Washington,,hot,hot Daytona Beach - time to relax ! New Orleans - need some Voodoo magic ? San Antonio - down by the river Tucson - 33 days later..we made it !!!!  Meet the 1999 crew  See our real flags from 28 nations ! Listen to the SCANEX Song !(You'll need RealPlayer)
Painting © 1997 SCANEX Alumni Lea Stocker


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©1999 Pawel Schubert & Benedikt Brydern