Syria Recreational Vehicle Club
Syria R.V. Club was founded in 1977 with 6 Nobles who had either a motor home or travel trailer.  Present membership is 61 Nobles, plus their wives and children.  Membership is open to all Nobles in the Tri-State area.

The R.V. club camps one weekend a month (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) from May through October. They also take a 5 or 6 day trip during the summer.  Campgrounds within a 100 mile radius of Pittsburgh are usually utilized. At the present time we are utilizing our RV Parking Lot at the Syria Temple for the majority of our campouts.  The Club also attends M.A.S.A. every year and when possible puts a Motor Home in Syria's parades. 
    Syria Recreational Vehicle Parking Area
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If you have a Recreational Vehicle and are not using the RV Parking Lot, you are missing out on a lot of fun.  The Parking Lot offers 21 graded sites, water, electric, Picnic Pavilion and good fellowship.  The Park is also being used in connection with Temple functions such as Game Night, Bingo, Potentate Stag, October Fest, fun weekends and SRVC campouts. This parking lot is available to any Shriner from May through October. The price is very affordable. If you are a Shriner and have a Recreational Vehicle you should join the Syria Recreational Vehicle Club. There is information in every Voice as to how to join or call;

   Wagon Master;
   David Kielman
   2644 Sacramento Ave.
   Pittsburgh, Pa.  15204-2018
   Email =

   Assistant Wagon Master;
   Albert Barnes, Sr.
   174 Lone Pine Drive
   Masontown, Wva.  26542
   Email  = mka

   Treasurer;                                      Secretary;
   Larry Fleming (412) 243-7621                    James L. Peterson
   12014 Joan Drive                                180 Black Hills Rd.
   Pittsburgh PA. 15335                            Pittsburgh Pa. 15239-2434
   Email =                  Email =
    SRVC Schedule of Events
"2008 Camping Schedule "
Click Here

Mid - Atlantic - Shrine RV Camping Assoc.
April 12, 2008        Spring Luncheon  -  Saturday @ 12:00 Noon
May15, 2008                 Work Day   -  SRVC Parking Area - $ 3.00 Camping.
May 16-18, 2008              Campout - Syria RV Park - Cheswick PA.
June 13-15, 2008       June Campout - Syria RV Park - Cheswick PA.
More Pgh Tour:
Oct.11, 2001
July 11-13, 2008            Potentate Visit July 11  -  RV Park - Cheswick PA
August 8-10, 2008         August Campout  -  RV Park - Cheswick PA
Phipps Tour:
Oct.13, 2001
Sept.19 - 21, 2008   Toy Bash & Campout at Syria RV Park - Cheswick PA
Phipps Tour:
Oct.13, 2001
Oct.. 8, 2008              Installation Dinner. at the Shrine Center
Oct.. 6-8, 2008           October Campoutr
November                   Luncheon     ( Director's Staff Spaghetti  Dinner  )