Ok folks this is the definative guide to my travellings in the year 99/00, so a warm welcome to friends,
family, enemies and those of you weird web surfers that have happened upon these pages by accident. Eventually
I may get time chronical all my tours thusfar but not in the immediate future. For more information as to
why I'm doing this, try the background page, its also got some useful links.
I was short of time when doing up this site and will be even shorter on time when updating it so I don't want to
hear any bitching about how basic it looks, OK?
Anyone who ended up accidentally and is looking for flashy graphics and
tons of java better bugger off now. I remember a time when you couldn't even get coloured backgrounds and we were
glad of it.....I'll tell you boy!
Rough Plans
17th June 99 to 9th July I'm in London and other places around the south east
9th July I fly out to Nairobi, Kenya to start a 10 week tour of East africa. For the first two nights I'll be
in the Iqbal Hotel (10th and 11th)
19th September - arrive in Harare, Zimbabwe at the end of the tour, mostly likely staying in the Sable Lodge Hostel.
26th September - Fly back to London where I stay until the 1st october.
2nd October - Fly out to Mumbai, India from Manchester
1st December - Fly from Kathmandu, Nepal to Singapore
Mid Jan 2000 I fly from singapore to Perth
After I get to Oz the plans are a little shaky but the idea is to work in Perth till at least June so if anyone
would like to visit me there, Jan to June is a good time. I'll have to tour Oz, Nz and four islands in the
pacific all before October 2000.
Here's the world map which I am quite proud of even though its only nicked off theodora.com.
You can follow my journey through a series of clickable maps.