Welcome 2001

My name is Kathy Byrne and I would like to welcome you to my homepage. I set my site up in May 1999 and have been updating it regularly. Please visit again to see whats new.

KBphoto About me
Kathy's Travel Tips - Latest Trip : New Zealand
Kathy's Menu of the Month - New! Menu for April 2001
Kathy's Book and Video Reviews
Ruth & Dave's Website

About me

To read my life history and CV click on this link!.

Kathy's Travel Tips

Travel has always been one of my hobbies. When Simon and I go travelling we like to plan our own itinerary wherever possible, rather than going on package tours. Here are some recent trips we have been on :

New Zealand Click on the New Zealand map to see where we went!
Namibia Flying Safari
New York Weekend in New York for Mum's 60th birthday
Costa Rica see also Costa Rica Wildlife
New Year 2000 Millennium celebration at Wortham Manor, Devon, England
Italy Lake Garda, Verona, Venice and Dolomites
Australia Tour to Northern Territory, Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales

Kathy's Menu of the Month

I enjoy cooking and having friends round for dinner. Here are some of my favourite menus, I will be adding a new one each month. Click on the link to go to the Food Page Index which has links to all the menus and recipes on my site. Alternatively, go straight to my current menu of the month :

Menu for April 2001 : Prawn and Ricotta Terrine, Pork Chop Casserole, Pineapple Salad

Ruth and Dave's Website

My sister Ruth got married to Dave Collins on 23rd June 2000. The site includes photographs of the wedding. The details about Lumley Castle and things to do in the local area are still there. The latest addition to this site is the photographs of Jack Edward Collins, born on 14th September 2000. The web address is www.geocities.com/ruthanddave.

Kathy's Book Reviews

I enjoy reading books, particularly new fiction, cookery books and internet books. Click here to see my latest book and video reviews. Alternatively visit the Amazon.co.uk (UK) or Amazon.com (USA) bookshops on line.

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Travel Pages : /Australia / Costa Rica / Costa Rica Wildlife / Italy / Namibia / New York / New Zealand

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Kathy Byrne
E-mail: kathy@byrneuk.com
Url: www.byrneuk.com
Last Modified : 1st April 2001