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Looking for An Angel

I so much needed the answer, I was in great need, and I began to wonder,

to search out and look,

To search, to survey all around me, and to see all those paths I took.  

Was I right? Maybe I was wrong, but I chose.

Yes, I chose the way to go,

But how I have tried to find the path again, but now I am lost and weary.  

I just cannot search any more.  

The answers always seem to evade me, when the paths I searched to find,

and tried so hard to see.  

Please do tell me, I need to know.  Is there really a place in your heart?

A special place… meant only for me?  

            To sit and wonder, to study the ways I have taken through the years.

How I have laughed with joy in my heart, and yet cried so much,

Oh, all those tears!  

That came not just from mine eyes, or my face; that which the world looks upon,

on which the world may see,

But deep within my very soul, I wanted you close … so close. I needed you

to cry with me!




To share my tears, this was all I ever wanted, but in my heart I was so alone.

One living heart, crying for love and tenderness. Yet another heart …

slowly turned to stone.  

Did I really ask for so much of you my love? I ask often.

I know that you tried, but you never could see.

The deepest part of my soul is searching for you,

in the most secret part of me.

If I could take you, hold your hand, would you come with me to my fears ...

into my darkest night?

Would you come to me upon my breasts … would you wipe away my tears?

And would you make all things right?  

                            Look into my eyes, my lovely one. Look deeply.

What can you see my sweet, my love?


Can you really see me? Yes it is I. Do you remember?

It really is I, when I was free, and pure as the dove.  

I soared above the skies, and surveyed all below, I saw so much beauty,

so many wonders others could never see,

But now, in the distant heights I see you, soaring alone – above me my darling,

but how I needed you to fly with me!  

Now it is I that stand on the ground, you look, but you do not see! …

Why, oh why do you not see!

I was alone my darling; my wings have been clipped, by the darkest of nights,

and your love? Is it truly for me?  

I stand. I look for an Angel. I need to find my paths,

but they are set in heavenly places in the sky.

I am injured my sweet – crying and hurting; oh I need you so much my love,

I need to spread my wings, and fly!  



I feel a gentle breeze around me. Oh! So warm and gentle.

I slowly close my eyes. I feel yet I cannot see,

A presence … a feeling of love so long ago taken. Poured back into my heart,

Oh! what joy to feel so free!  

I feel my body so light, as if on wings I feel myself floating,

my body softly swaying in the sky,

I look below, I am rising above like the eagle, and my tears turn to joy. Yes!

Oh! again I am free to fly!

But my wings are folded. How can this be?  I hear the softest,

sweetest voice behind me, so gently say,

"You still have wings my dove, though battered and torn they may be,

your wings they shall stay.  

For I shall support you, I shall heal your wounds; I

will sucour you, and you shall fly, for I shall be your wings"

Then I am taken so high. The air flowing through my hair, over my skin,

and body. I listen as the Angel sings.  

In sweet, sweet heavenly chorus, my heart ….. oh how it melts with joy,

and yet again I feel my tears,

With softest touch upon cheeks my Angel wipes them away,

with soothing hand he soothes away my fears.


I soar above you, and with tears I call out your name.

     You look into my eyes.  They are so cold … they cannot see.

As I overtake you, on Angel’s wings, I see my path,  

I have found it,

My road.   My destiny

  Frank Simms







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