A discussion of reality by Harlequin.
Have you been to the places where Trump fails? What of places that are difficult to find in shadow, cannot be reached by the tendrils of Logrus. Sorcery seems to differ widely and often does not work at all. Annoying but a fact of life none the less? No. Actually this is just an illusion. How often has Trump actually failed? Once that I am aware of. When Oberon repaired the Primal Pattern. That is enough of an event to disrupt almost anything. When else? Perhaps someone is blocking your call or just isn't answering. In all these cases the trump is still fine, they have not lost their power.
The problem is interference. Either directly from another power or indirectly from a global effect such as the nature of the shadow. In the case of direct interference the result depends on the skill and strength of the powers involved. The most common case is a shadow which is barred against a power. Usually this takes the form of a barrier against Trump or Logrus or Pattern, but never is it absolute. The power does not stop, it is simply resisted. This is most notable with Trump because it is a lesser power, not one of the powers that shapes reality. By definition Pattern must work in shadow because shadow is an image of Amber. Similarly for the Logrus, and since they are opposites either power will work in either realm.
Since shadow is not as strong as Pattern or Logrus it usually loses in any direct confrontation. The most notable exception is in the area of remote connection. Because the power is being wielded at a distance and only the connection, which is largely an extension of the psyche of the wielder, not the power itself, need be resisted shadow often wins. This is most often noted with trump because it deals almost entirely with connections and because it is a widely used power. Logrus, though it also makes heavy use of remote connection is less affected as the randomly moving tendrils will just search elsewhere, and no direct resistance is felt, just a search that takes a little longer (effectively forever in a random search for a unique item). The effect is noted less frequently with pattern since only advanced initiates have the skill to use connections, but here the resistance is seen directly.
Despite this the application of a suitable amount of force and skill will overcome the resistance, as can be shown by the breaching of trump barriers. Similarly powers that do not act externally at all, such as shape shifting, will always work unless directly attacked by an offensive agent like magic or poison.
To negate a power, so it does not act at all is the application of a force that is beyond Pattern, beyond Logrus and Magic and far beyond the lesser powers of Trump. A power from a deeper reality like that of Serpent and Unicorn.
It is also interesting to note that a power cannot negate itself or another like it, fight yes, negate no, for in doing so it would loose the power to act, just as a man cannot strangle himself, for he loses consciousness before death. You cannot shadow walk to a place where Pattern doesn't work for Pattern has not the power to travel that far. The last miles to Amber must be walked in a normal manner, and even then the power is not gone, just resisted too strongly by the proximity of the Pattern itself. Indeed the only occasion I have found where the action of Pattern or Logrus, or Magic for that matter, is hindered by the nature of a shadow is where, like Amber, that shadow is too real to be easily moved.
Before I move on to discuss other matters, this is as good a place as any to examine connections, sensing and linkages. In many ways these facets of power are more important than the direct manipulating forces themselves, since they define the target and often provide the means for the effect to reach the target. In the case of transport and communication powers like trump they are often the only factor involved. To affect a distant target you must either project the effect or create a connection. This is simple for line of sight, but beyond this you need a key. The key is something that identifies the target in as unique a fashion as possible. Things like appearance, names, psychic impressions, material composition and power matrices can all play the part of a key. The key then serves as a focus for the search mechanism, and the composition of these factors forms a linkage. the main variables are the distance, the accuracy of the key and the sophistication of the search mechanism. Trump behaves in this way but there are special factors involved, so I will discuss trump last. Logrus, by benefit of it's chaotic nature, uses an extremely powerful random search method which can, if necessary, be restricted by manual control. It is notable that the Logrus search does not appear to be totally random, the tendrils do not touch everything in the locale, but seem to automatically skip the no-hope subjects. It also seems to avoid the trap of searching the same place twice. How this works is beyond the Logrus masters to whom I have spoken, but it may well bear some similarity to the Pattern's intuitive search. Pattern in it's common usage does not use linkages but it does none the less has a very effective intuitive search mechanism, almost if it knows where it is going before it gets there. The more advanced forms of Pattern use only manually directed visual linkages, but given the power of Pattern to zoom to anywhere in shadow this limitation is minimal. Magic and psychic extensions tend to use direct connection if the t arget is in sensing range, and beyond this a rather crude expanding globe or radar-like search, all of which can be directed manually. If the range is great and the key is precise even these searches begin to take on a heuristic approach (especially if the spell has been well crafted) and accomplish the search in a more intuitive manner. But all of these pale beside the linkages used by trump.
While trump is affected somewhat by distance this does not seem to much affect the consistent time it takes to make a trump connection with a willing subject. Unless there is resistance the time is almost always in the 3-30 second range, while the same operation using magic would have a time range from almost zero to several hours. The exact reason for this is not known, perhaps even the trump artists themselves do not know, but I have some theories that warrant repeating. (1) Trump uses a completely different mechanism that is outside of shadow and even the infrastructure behind shadow as we know it. While I consider this very unlikely because of the way trump can be made to interact with the other powers and usually appears weaker, it remains a possibility. (2) The key to the search is so perfect and so intimately related to the subject and the search mechanism that the target is found almost instantly. (3) I think this last theory the most likely, that the trump linkages are virtually permanent, and just get switched into a standby mode when nobody is talking. Effectively creating a giant Trump switchboard. This is borne out by the rumours of passive trump tracking and mind invasion that I have heard. My spells have even detected this thread on occasion, but usually it is so well shielded or so tenuous that I cannot pick it up from the background static. My main contention with this theory is that it does not mesh properly with my postulations on resistance, but in that field also Trump, the master of links, is the odd man out. Whatever the true mechanism, the special properties of trump and it's widespread use make it an excellent springboard for spells. The trump itself makes an excellent search key. The link between trump and subject can easily be used as a conduit for spells if you are involved in the contact. The link itself can be traced, and this is often easier than performing your own search, but actively interfering with the link itself, either to attach to it or to tap the signal is very difficult. I have found that even the most subtle magics are resisted by the trump itself, perhaps in a way akin to the trump defence used by the artists themselves. While it is not all that difficult to break through the interference is usually noticed by the subjects, who can then easily end the call or work at blocking the attack.
The subject of blocking warrants a discussion all of it's own. I am of course referring to blocking psychic and trump contact and resisting the ensuing psychic combat. Once a psychic contact has been made all the powers behave in the same manner, and psychic combat proceeds normally. The connection can usually only be severed by the caller, or the side that is dominant, although each type of connection usually has a different way to sever it, for instance an eye to eye contact can be broken simply by looking away. It is in the establishment of the contact that the powers differ. The most basic method is physical contact, against which there is no resistance save not to be touched. Both Logrus and Pattern can extend great distances through shadow to make contact, and are not as easily evaded as a touch. Magic must make an external link which requires a superior psyche, but only a small margin is required, or none at all if the target is willing. Trump however will not make contact unless the target is willing (except in some extreme cases where overwhelming force is used), but once the contact is made there is no added defence. The only explanation that I can make for this is that either the trump mechanism has a built in limitation or safety valve, or the fact that the key to the link is so closely related to the target means that their own trump helps them to resist. In any case the two standard methods of refusing a call are to hide (there is nobody home) or to lock the door. Since a link can be traced the question that must be answered is whether a link is actually created even if the call is refused. The answer is, as always, yes and no. In the case of a shielded shadow or a 'nobody home' message then no link is made. The problem is that you cannot hide forever, and usually only do so when you sense a call. This leaves a minute window before you begin to block in which you may be detected. This disadvantage is balanced by the distance and the time required to make the connection. It usually boils down to the relative sensitivity and skill of the participants. Even so, the pulse is often missed or misinterpreted unless the caller is well prepared. My experiments indicate that in this aspect Trump and Magic behave in a similar manner, while the question does not arise for the direct touch of Pattern or Logrus, the only way to avoid them is to be disguised so that they do not find you in the first place.
All things are just a combination of what comes before. A man is made of meat and bone and sinew, which is made of cells, the cells of atoms, the atoms of the various sub-atomic particles which are just localised quanta. Waves of energy. Behind this lies the deeper reality of shadow, forged of Amber and Chaos, Pattern and Logrus (though given what I have learned I am now sure that not all shadow is a just a reflection, shadow would exist without its poles just as the sea would exist without wind and sun and moon to make the tides and waves. It would just be a less interesting place).
But beyond these even lie more layers. Like an onion. How many more before we reach the centre. If there is a centre. For all of my study, and that of other masters, be it Pattern, Trump or Logrus, the next layer is only hinted at dimly by things such as the Jewel, Serpent and Unicorn, and perhaps the realms of the Abyss. Until this is understood any thought of what lies beyond is, and forever will be, just theory. Little more than idle speculation. I have enough trouble following this world, let alone the next.
As I have noted before the trouble with sorcery is it's locality of effect. This is mainly due to how sorcery was developed. In chaos where finding any stability or common ground beyond the ever-changing Logrus is hopeless, and in shadow where the larger picture is almost never seen. Even after the birth of Amber little has been learned because of the dominance of Pattern. What I have learned is patently not all that my mentor had to teach, since he so easily surpassed me in my own realm, but maybe I have had an insight or two which has escaped him also. I am sure that his pride and love of flashy effects has held him back in the realm of damping and the quieter spells. I also have a secret or two.
The differences between Magic and sorcery are few, but significant. This is to be expected since one is a corrupted and limited form of the other. This does not make the path between them any easier for there is much unlearning to do and many a leap that is difficult to make alone. The main differences lie in reality and globality of power. While sorcery is much dependent on the nature of shadow Magic, like Pattern, is a thing beyond. More akin to the forces that shape the shadows than the shadows themselves. Because of its reality it is also more sensitive, providing a firmer reference point. Also like Pattern, Logrus and Trump the intuitive (or random, or directed) ability to find and make linkages is stronger and more accurate. Similar but different. Like a portion of each but the whole of none. This removes many of the problems of shadow and simplifies the sourcing of power by a large degree, but still a great deal of work is required by the mage before an enchantment is complete. Pattern and Logrus are equally as complex, but have a focus which simplifies the concentration and reduces the variables. That this focus, the pattern itself, is burnt in during the initial imprinting further aids recall and makes the simpler invocations of its power reasonably straightforward. Magic uses a similar technique in the form of spell frameworks and templates. It is my theory that the Pattern itself is little more than an ultra complex spell frame that was forged so perfectly by a higher order power, namely the Jewel, that it became a true expression of reality. This I feel is where Magic is weaker than Pattern, it does not have a keystone forged in a higher order to give it a strength greater than even the fabric underlying what we know. It may be here where Randall's knowledge so greatly exceeds my own, for not only does he have intimate knowledge of Pattern and Logrus, but I am sure that he found some way of incorporating the essence of Ygg and the Jewel into his magic. In magic there are several templates and three ba sic frameworks (sensing, linking/moving and altering), therefore no single imprint can be taken. Thus the manipulation of Magic makes heavy demands on the practitioner, I estimate that only the strongest minds of Amber would have the ability, and the nature of Logrus sorcery used in the Courts is so antithetical as to make the transition all but impossible. Trump artists are fortunate that for them this problem never arises as the most difficult portions of their art lie in the creation, the use requires strength, and knowledge for the more advanced aspects, but little time. The lesser magics, sorcery, conjuration and power words are all facets of the larger Magic, although their true form is both simpler and more powerful. None the less they contribute to the whole, the breadth of sorcery, the strength of conjuration, the ease of a word. Yet even the combination is less than the fusion which also mimics portions of the other major powers in addition to its own unique aspects, becoming greater than the sum of the parts.
The frameworks are not the core of magic, the essence of it's being. In this way they differ from manifestations like the Pattern. But in many other ways they are similar. They can be walked, or visualised, or for simpler workings directed by abstract will alone. But for all this they are mainly an intellectual rather than physical thing. Serving mainly as a mnemonic and channel for the energies and the will of the mage rather than as the source and instrument. The source is the reality of shadow and the things behind. There is a bare minimum required for a template, if it is to have any degree of strength and flexibility, then the finer specifications are focused through this lens to give them the proper focus. What emerges is an enchantment which, if desired, can be further refined by relations, objects, linchpins and other such things. I have found however, that it is false economy to use only the barest frames. To them I have added all of the standard refinements that define my own style of Magic. While a simple power word has no effect on a spell of greater magic there are many stronger spells of negation or warping that could pervert the effect, so I build in terms of resilience and redundancy and , where necessary, linkages to provide reinforcement. To this I add my shields and smoke screens so that only the most sensitive will know a spell exists at all. Unravellers and spores add protection against disassembly and hooks for refreshment and tuning complete the standard design. The minor aspects are too numerous to list, and are not found in every spell, but each has its place. Any of these can be greatly refined and strengthened for a particular effect but even the basic frame is so far beyond sorcery that greater detail is best added at the point of enchantment should it be required.
Most of this discussion so far would seem to relate to the sorceric aspects of Magic. This is far form the truth. It is all one and the same. A power word is no more than the simplest and most specific template refined and condensed to the point that it instantiates a single spell at a single word or gesture. Understanding this adds power and flexibility to the word, but the time required to devise and perfect a new instance is significant none the less. But if speed is required then a hung spell, a power word or a lesser willed channelling are the only options. Of these the channelling is seldom used except for sensing because of the time required to build an effect can be longer than the duration of a proper casting.
For years I could not understand what I learnt of conjuration. It did not reconcile with my learnings of sorcery. There did not seem to be a case where sorcery could not achieve a similar result. Only the permanence differed, that and a few types of manipulation that I had yet to master, yet the methods were totally different. It made no sense. Until I learned Magic and found the bridge that spanned them. The answer of course is that they are the same. Conjuration was just closer to magic but covered a more limited range. A conjuration is little different from a spell of shadow shaping or a directed gating. An empowerment is the same as a spell of enhancement. What differs is that the shieldings and power sourcings inherent in a conjuration are more internal and self contained than anything achieved by sorcery, and almost as resilient as Magic, to the point where a greater empowerment is immune to the effects of shadow or the negations of simple sorcery. In retrospect it is easy to see how this is achieved. The method is the same as the linkages I now employ in many of my own spells. You simply bind the effect more strongly to the target so that it becomes a part of the creature, as if it were a natural power. Then the enchantment lives and dies with the subject. This is of course more difficult with the more complex and powerful subjects, which is why such modifications are hardly ever made to creatures of power like dragons, and are all but impossible on the blood of Amber, whose reality makes them all but immutable. In these cases a simple spell of augmentation or an empowering item is preferable, although an active binding can be accomplished if the subject is an adept.
I have yet to find a way of performing an active binding on any save an adept, and this has little application since there are only two mages that I know of for sure. Randall and myself, though I am certain that he would have trained at least one of his accomplices. Then again perhaps not. He is a jealous man and would not give away his secrets lightly. He never taught me the deeper magics of Pattern control or Logrus manipulation, which along with his perversion of Ygg and the Jewel were surely at the heart of the maelstrom. While it may be that this was beyond me because of my lack of experience with these powers, as he had said when I asked for this knowledge, this is at odds with his previous insistence that no power or manipulation is beyond the true understanding of Magic.
Enough! this essay has trailed off into a personal remembrance. Any longer and I will begin to lament my failings and lost opportunities. Suffice it to say that my new knowledge pleases me, no part more than the freedom from the drudgery of lengthy enchantments and refreshing of spells, leaving much more time for R and R, research and recreation. I will continue to experiment with the deeper forces, not as before in a quest for power, I have that now in abundance, but simply for the joy of discovery. To peel yet another layer off the onion.
Copyright © 1996 John Cleland. Last updated 24-July-1997