This morning we slept in a bit, until nine or so instead of the usual 5:30 AM on the tour. The only people left from the tour are myself, Vicki, Grant, and Tal. I suggested going to visit the pyramid field of Dashur, which is close to Sakkara, where we went yesterday. It was pretty cold by Egyptian standards (15 Celcius instead of the 25 degree average this time of year) and it was windy too.
(To see inside of this pyramid, click on the photo below)
The "red pyramid" of Snefru.
Our next stop was the original pyramid of Snefru, the "bent pyramid". It gets it's name because of the fact that the builders ran into structural problems and had to change the slope of it. It started to crack because the base underneath wasn't stable enough, so it was later abandoned. This one is a good example of how all of the pyramids originally looked before all of the outer flat and smooth casing stones were robbed to build other buildings and monuments 3000 years later.
(To see more of the bent pyramid, click on the photo below)
The "bent pyramid" of Snefru.
We were the only people at the bent pyramid at the time and when we went around the far side of the pyramid, we managed to pose wearing the beret and holding the machinegun of the soldier that was following us around. A few dollars can get you almost anything in this country.
(To see the rest of the "Contiki Army", click on the photo below)
We didn't do much the rest of the day and evening, just went back to the hotel.