N E W S    R E L E A S E

New for '99
Thrill Ride Profile


Description: For those who want to look terror in the eyes, the suspended inverted steel coaster TWO FACE: THE FLIP SIDE offers just that opportunity - twice!  Seated in unique face-to-face coaches, riders are pulled up a 137 foot lift and dropped, flying 55 mph, back down the lift shooting up into a "boomerang" double inverted side-winder.  After returning to an upright position passengers are thrust head on into a 72 foot high vertical loop before rocketing to the top of a second 137 foot lift.  Riders have just enough time to catch their breath before the train is released, propelling them through the entire ride again in the opposite direction.
Speed:55 mph
Track Length:1,000 feet
Length of Ride:90 seconds
Height of Lift:137 feet
Loop Diameter:42 feet
Elements:Face-to-face suspended coaches; 4 passengers per coach; 7 coaches per train; 28 passengers per ride

"Boomerang" 180 degree turn with double inverted side-winders

72 foot high vertical loop

Posterholt, The Netherlands

P.O. Box 4210 · Largo, MD 20775 · 301-249-1500 · Fax:301-249-8853

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