exclusively in  Czech :(((
Hawaiian Imagery - "Czech" it out:)))>
Ročník I: 2002/2003

Ročník II: 2003/2004
Pražský meziobčasník
Pražský meziobčasník

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Hawai'i as the biggest of Hawaiian islands, therefore so called The Big Island is the placeto visit in order to experience what Hawai'i (as whole archipelago) means. See how the Earth is being born. Enjoy more of the "home" Oahu, its Mele Kalikimaka with St. Claus and New Year's fireworks, as well as other times and places around here (and Kauai).
At last but for sure not least let yourself get lost in the very finest digital masterpieces by my friends. Visit remote hidden beauty of Kauai's Waimea Canyon and Maui's Haleakala Crater with relentless hiker Mirek, as well as his tiptop collection of Protea flowers in Maui's Upcountry.
Experience the ride on waves
and landscapes of Oahu with Michal.
And as the trully finest of all, let yours breath stop in front of the artistic stunning and compelling beauty of flowers and places captured with the magic eye of Hanka.
... and few of my digital trials at last to add that Hawaii is far from being just palms, beach and ocean.
Finally, see the pictures!!!

My lonely PlanetPište mi, hodně!!!!!