Hello and Welcome to my page, as you can see it is under construction.
But it is becoming stuffed with info, especially in the ADnD area, so click on the little wizard fast!!.
Zilla la Bleu made
Tymora's Heaven on the Net
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Mainly taking place in my favourite - the
Forgotten Realms
Complete Campaigns and Characters
- including a lot of DM's info

Some of the pictures on this site I made with the great program
Poser and with content from DAZ 3D
Celtic countries and Culture
Mainly about my favourite -

My family is offcourse my main intrest and timespender
So here are the sites for my son
Bjorn and my daughter Iris
Chemistry and Material science
About my former position and research at the
Leiden University ... then I moved to Avantium and now I work at Solvay Pharmaceuticals
Last Update on: 22 Sep 2005 If you have any comments or suggestions, mail me
You are number who reaches heaven.