Hola! And welcome to my homepage

....as you can see, I've just about started, so come back in a few weeks to learn more about me. Meanwhile, here's me.

Also, don't miss some of my favorite web sites. For the latest news, check out The International Herald Tribune which is a decent and relatively fair (though mainstream) source of all sorts of goings on around the world. For a more alternative world view, check out Pacifica Radio .

Did you know that the amount of money spent by the economically developed nations on cosmetics could be used to provide clean drinking water to the billions of people that lack it? Do your part in the war against poverty.

In the mood for some feet stomping? Then, get into the conga beat with some Salsa music !!

Or perhaps you are feeling kind of geeky, and want to keep up to date on what's happening in the semiconductor industry .....

About me: I love life, people, and travel. I am a culture freak. I (try to) read a lot. I enjoy writing - essays and travel writing are my favorite genre. (Check out some of my articles .) And I adore my job .

Last year was the luckiest travel year for me yet. I visited the U.K. (twice), Holland, Finland, Italy, Taiwan, and Japan. And to top it all, I spent the Millenium week in lovely, sunny Panama !!!

But wait, before we delve into more good stuff, see how much fun I had with my old IIT classmates at our recent reunion in San Francisco celebrating 10 years together in the United States.

Drop me a line ,....or if you want to be my friend, tell me about yourself .....
