Comming soon!!!
"All Adult Groups"
Bringing all the adult groups together for a long weekend of fun in one hotel
Moderators needed!!!!
Still in the planning stage, if you have any ideas please send us an e-mail!!!
Group Name                    Single men/women  OK?      Smokers welcome?     Room#        
Adult Great Lakes Boating                 Women                           No                         123   6pm-???
DownRiverKink                             All welcome                      yes                         124  6pm-12am
Looking to get 10-15 groups together, each with its own room/suit for a Fri-Sun party!!
Looking for ideas to make this the best adult party ever!!!
We have 2 nice hotels in mind that would be great for this type of party! We would like to have this party some weekend in Feb.  Please e-mail for more info!