Movies Viewed with NetflixDate Viewed
Vernonica Guerin April 13
Nova:To The Moon April 17
The House of Sand and Fog April 19
Shattered Glass April 22
The Atomic Cafe April 27
My House in Umbria May 1
Step into Liquid May 5
Keep the River on Your Right May 10
Gangs of New York May 12
Scareface May 20
The Princess and the Warrior May 26
The Limey May 28
Adaptation May 29
Fog Of War June 2
The Hard Road June 6
Das Boot June 10
Gray's Anatomy June 12
U2 Go Home June 22

Books to Be Read or HAve been readAuthor
Sea of GloryNathaniel F.
Thrid ChimpanzeJ. Diamond
The Outlaw SeaLangwiesze
ColussusNial Fergusson
An Army at Dawn?
The Da Vinci Code?
Things Fall Apart?
1,000 places to see before you die?
Cape Horn John Murphy?
The Ancestors TailRichard Dawkins
A problem from HellSamantha Powew\r
The Hungry OceanLinda Greenlaw
Maximum CitySekuta Mehta
The longest winter?
Black Man's BurdenBasil Davidson
A Bend in the RiverVS Naipaul
The Rise and Decline of the Zairian State?
Africa:A Biography of a ContinentJohn Reader
The Skull Beneath the SkinMark Huband
CollapseJared Diamond
The world is flatT. Friedman
We were winning the world?
Asasins GatePacker
Game of Shadowsmark fairnuru-wada
The Omnivore's dillemamichael pollan
The Wonga Coup
On the Postal BusMichael Barry
Trading with the enemy
The Best IntentionsTraub

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