Hi, my names is Talie Blinn and I love learning, laughing, and living life to the full.  Welcome to my webpage.
My greatest acheivement is creating a world around myself where I can lead the life I want and the knowledge to know how to live it!
I love international travel, all aspects of the performing arts, photography, cosmology and astronomy, good wine, horse ridding, samoyeds and my new dwarf bunnies (Precious & Beauty), SCUBA diving, and friends and family.
Drag your mouse and click on a hand to see where you go!
Cheerleading Experience For:
Teaching Experience For:
Royal Vale Elementary
(Montreal, Canada)
Abbey Middle School
(Bedford, England)
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Secondary School
(London, England)
Duston Upper School and Community College
(Northampton, England)
Collingwood Independent School
(Vancouver, Canada)
Lauriston Girls School
(Melbourne, Australia)
I am currently back at Collingwood School in Vancouver Canada.
Lions & Mustang
North Shore Football Team)
Montreal Concords and Alouettes
(Canadian Football League)
Cleaveland Browns
(National Football League)
The Montreal Machines
(World League of American Football)
Precious & Beauty
My second home Melbourne Australia
Home: Kitsilano, Vancouver, Canada
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