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FOOD & DRINK: There are three types of cuisine in Pakistan: Pakistani, Western and Chinese. Local cuisine is based on curry or masala (hot and spicy) sauces accompanying chicken, mutton, shrimps and a wide choice of vegetables. Specialities include brain masala, biryani (seasoned rice with mutton, chicken and yoghurt), pilao (similar but less spicy) and sag gosht (spinach and lamb curry). Lahore is the centre for Mogul-style cuisine known as moghlai. Specialities include chicken tandoori, shish kebabs (charcoal-grilled meat on skewers), shami-kebabs (patties of chopped meat fried in ghee or butter), tikka-kebabs (grilled mutton or beef seasoned and spiced) and chicken tikka (highly seasoned chicken quarters, charcoal-grilled). Desserts include pastries, shahi tukray (slices of fried bread cooked in milk or cream, sweetened with syrup and topped with nuts and saffron), halwa (sweetmeat made with eggs, carrots, maize cream, sooji and nuts) and firni (similar to vanilla custard). Drink: The national drink is tea, drunk strong with milk and often very sweet. Alcohol may be bought at major hotels by visitors who have been issued a Liquor Permit from the Excise and Taxation Office. Wine is expensive and only available in top restaurants. Pakistani-brewed beer is widely available, as are canned carbonated drinks. There are no bars since there are strict laws concerning alcohol, and it is illegal to drink in public. Waiter service is provided in the larger hotels and restaurants.

NIGHTLIFE: Top hotels have bars and dancing but there is little Western-style nightlife. Cinemas in the large cities show international as well as Pakistani films. Cultural programmes of traditional music and dance can be seen and the Pakistani Arts Academy performs at various times during the year. Festivals and annual celebrations are well worth seeing.

SHOPPING: Special purchases include carved wooden tables, trays, screens, silver trinkets, pottery, camel-skin lamps, bamboo decorations, brassware, cane items, conch-shell ornaments, glass bangles, gold ornaments, hand-embroidered shawls, rugs and carpets, silks, cashmere shawls and saleem shahi shoes with upturned toes. While some of the major towns have craft centres where handicrafts from different regions are sold, bazaars often provide the most interesting shopping. It is expected that the customer should bargain for goods.
Shopping hours: 0930-1300 and 1500-2000 Saturday to Thursday. Bazaars stay open longer.


Clubs are located in the large cities and visitors are generally allowed to play a course on the introduction of a member or by acquiring temporary membership.
Clubs in the large cities have courts and visitors must be introduced by a member or can often obtain temporary membership through the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation.
In addition to the beaches, swimming pools can be found in various clubs in large towns and in major hotels. Kemari sail or motorboats can be hired at a previously agreed price. Deep-sea night fishing is particularly good. There are also freshwater lakes with good fishing.
. Spectator sports: Cricket, the national sport, can be watched in most major towns at many different levels. Pakistan are the current world champions of the one day game. Football and hockey are fast becoming popular national sports and regular matches can be seen in the stadium at Karachi and at other sportsfields all over the country. Polo matches can be seen in major cities and most notably in the northern towns of Gilgit and Chitral and horseracing takes place in winter in Karachi and Lahore.

Social conventions: Shaking hands is the usual form of greeting. Mutual hospitality and courtesy are of great importance at all levels, whatever the social standing of the host. Visitors must remember that most Pakistanis are Muslim and should respect their customs and beliefs. Smoking is prohibited in some public places and it is polite to ask permission before lighting a cigarette. It is common for visiting business people to be entertained in hotels and restaurants. If invited to a private home, a gift or national souvenir is welcome. Informal dress is acceptable for most occasions. Women should avoid wearing tight clothing and should ensure that their arms and legs are covered. Pakistani society is divided into classes and within each group there is a subtle social grading. The Quoran is the law for Muslims and it influences every aspect of daily life. See the contents for the World of Islam  section for more information.

Tipping: Most high-class hotels and restaurants add 10% service charge. Other tipping is discretionary.


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