

KARACHI: The largest city in Pakistan, formerly the capital, is situated on the shores of the Arabian Sea near the mouth of the Indus. The capital of Sindh Province, it is now a modern industrial city and Pakistan's major port. Though not strictly a tourist centre there are a number of attractions, such as the fish wharf where brightly-coloured boats bring in seafood, one of the country's major foreign exchange earners. The hundreds of street restaurants, tea houses, samosa and juice stalls are pretty lively. Boats can be hired to sail out of the harbour. There are architectural reminders of the former British Imperial presence, especially in the clubs. The most magnificent building, however, is the Quaid-i-Azam's Mazar, the mausoleum of the founder of Pakistan, made entirely of white marble with impressive north African arches and magnificent Chinese crystal chandeliers. The changing of the guards, which takes place three times a day, is the best time to visit. Other places to visit are the National Museum, parks, zoo and a beach at Clifton.

SINDH: A region known for the remarkable quality of its light, with two main places of interest: Mohenjodaro, a settlement dating back 5000 years, and Thatta, notable for its mausoleums and mosques. There are sporting facilities on Lake Haleji, 14km (9 miles) away.

THE PUNJAB: Lahore is a historic, bustling city with buildings of pink and white marble. There is plenty to see: bazaars, the Badshahi Mosque - one of the largest mosques in the whole world and an example of Moghul architecture rivalled only by the Taj Mahal, the beautiful Shalimar Gardens, the National Museum of Archaeology and the Gate of Chauburji. Near Taxila are two interesting excavated sites, Sirkap and Jaulian, dating back to the Buddhist Gandhara period.

Other towns in the Punjab include Faisalabad (formerly Lyallpur), Attock, Harappa, Multan and Bahawalpur.

Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan since 1963, and Rawalpindi, are both located on the Pothowar Plain. The decision to build a new capital city in this area transformed the sleepy town of Rawalpindi into an important twin to Islamabad. Now Rawalpindi houses many of the civil servants working in the government district. The old part of the town boasts fine examples of local architecture and bazaars crammed into the narrow streets with craftsmen still using the traditional methods.

As a planned capital Islamabad lacks some of the regional flair of other cities but it houses an interesting variety of modern buildings especially in the part designated for government offices. The city itself has an air of spaciousness with parks, gardens and fountains below the silhouette of the Margalla Hills. In the midst of these lies Daman-e-Koh, a terraced garden with an excellent view over the city. Also in Islamabad is the Shah Faisal Masjid (mosque) which can accommodate 100,000 worshippers. The majestic white building comprises four 88m (288ft) minarets and a desert tent-like structure, the main prayer chamber. About 8km (5 miles) from the city is Rawal Lake with an abundance of leisure facilities including watersports and a picnic area. North of Rawalpindi is the beautiful Swat Valley. This is an area of wild mountains and fantastic alpine scenery. It was, in ancient times, the home of the famous Gandhara school of sculpture, a manifestation of Greek influenced Buddhist forms. The ruins of great Buddhist stupas, monasteries and statues are found all over Swat. It is now the home to the Swat Pathans and also boasts popular mountain retreats such as Mingora, Kalam, Miandam, Behrain, etc.

KASHMIR: In this province are some of the highest mountains in the world, one of the most famous being Nanga Parbat. Here too is the second highest mountain in the world, K2, also known as Mount Godwin-Austen. The Baltoro Glacier and the Batura Glacier are the largest outside the Polar region. The settlements of Gilgit and Skardu are well-known stop-offs on the mountaineering trail. It is now possible to follow the Karakoram Highway all the way through from Gilgit to Hunza, over the Khunjerab Pass and on to Kashgar in the Xinjiang Province of China. This is the ancient Silk Road and must rank as one of the most spectacular journeys on Earth.

PESHAWAR: The capital of the North West Frontier Province, this is the area of the Pashtuns or Pathans as they have come to be known in more recent times. Peshawar City is surrounded by high walls with 20 gates leading into it. There is evidence in the lawns and parks of the former colonial days. Much of the surrounding area is still under the jurisdiction of tribal law. These areas can be visited only if one has a permit from the relevant authorities. Many of the tribesmen carry firearms, the normal adornment for a Pathan warrior. In the land of the Afridis is the Khyber Pass, a 1200m-high (3960ft) sheer rock wall separating Pakistan and Afghanistan. North of Peshawar in the Hindu Kush Mountains is the wild and beautiful area of Chitral, famous for the Kalash people, last of the pagan tribes of Kafiristan. This valley is noted for its hot springs and trout-filled rivers.

POPULAR ITINERARIES: 7-day: (a) Islamabad-Besham-Gilgit-Hunza-Karimabad/Aliabad-Khunjerab Pass-Gulmit-Chilas-Islamabad. (b) Islamabad-Rawalpindi-Balakot-Shogran-Sari/Paya-Lake Saiful Maluk-Naran-Lalazar-Ayubia-Islamabad. (c) Lahore-Rawalpindi-Peshawar-Khyber Pass (subject to government permission)-Miandam-Kalam-Saidu Sharif-Islamabad. (d) Peshawar-Chitral-Bamboret (Kalash Valley)-Chitral-Dir-Peshawar. (e) (Winter) Karachi-Moenjodaro-Karachi-Multan-Lahore-Islamabad-Murree/Bhourban-Patriata.


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