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Welcome to the home page from the Rokebrand family. Here you find some facts of the live of this family.
But also some information about the beautifull island St.Maarten (Neth.Ant.), Thailand, Scouting and The Erfgooiers.

RIA is my wife and the mother of our three kids: Inge, Bart and Sven.
Inge is working at an travel agency, Bart is a junior client insurance- adviser and Sven is a confectioner/baker.
If you want to know more about
RIA, (and why shouldn't you...) then go to RIA'S PAGE by clicking on the nice lady below!


We like holidays a lot. Wish we had more money and time.....!!!!
So here are some links to some destinations. December 1998 we went for a tour to
Thailand and in june 1999 we were for 3 weeks on the island St.Maarten.
Try the links and enjoy it. Especially the link to
worthwhile! See also the page with some photo's from our holiday in Venezuela (Isla Margarita) in februari this year. (2000) There we have met our new friends Marcelo and Silvia from Argentinia.

Click on the button, to learn more about AMAZING THAILAND.
Land of the smiling people. Enjoy the photos
we've made and read about our trip to Thailand with FOX holidays.

Click on the scouting logo to visit the site from one of the best scouting-groups in the Netherlands!
Our son Bart is one of the leaders...... (as well as his beloved girlfriend Kelly)

Other links to family sites:

Photoalbum from our holiday on St.Maarten, and information!!!!!

Website from Sven, our son

Visit the photo album from ANDY, our grandson!!

Website from Inge, our daughter. Meet her boys!!! Also some photos from her hobby:
line dancing.

Read about the rich history of the Erfgooiers.

Photos from our house and garden.

Reis boeken naar St.Maarten, kijk dan op de volgende sites.

Informatie vliegreis per K.L.M.

Informatie vliegreis per Air France