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Waggin' the tail
Mike in Second Grade Mike in Second Grade
Mike's hair looks pretty good in this photo compared to how it looked in his kindergarten and first grade pictures. Seems like he just had so much of it, that it was difficult to take care of. One year, he and his friend John Gartner got a buzz cut together, and although they seemed to think they were very cool at the time, they both wore baseball caps to school the next day. Although mischievous and very sociable, he was a good student throughout his school days & always received excellent grades.
Christina in Second Grade Christina in Second Grade
Christina was an incredibly funny, talkative and outgoing girl at the age of seven. She loved to wear pink, had a way of making many friends, and liked to swim in our pool and watch MTV. She rode to work every day with us from her preschool days to third grade, and always managed to fall asleep in the back of our Toyota Landcruiser despite the bumpy ride!
Mike's Sports Debut Baseball
Baseball was one of Mike's favorite activities when we lived in Cerritos as he started out early with T-Ball. Eventually, he was a great left handed first baseman and pitcher. Mike and his best friend John Gartner were on opposing teams in the league championship. Despite the rivalry, they remained good friends. Today, he's an excellent swimmer and loves the NBA.
Christina Enjoying Summer Summer in California
Our backyard in Yorba Linda was like a park, and was the best place to be in the hot Summers. We had a swinging basket chair, a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, cacti, lots of shade trees, and a very large patio. All you needed was a popsicle & you were set!
Graduation Graduation from Troy High School
Mike graduated form TROY HIGH SCHOOL in Fullerton in 1989 with honors. We surprised him with a very used Volkswagen Squareback that had once been owned by someone in the Far Middle East. "ALICE", as he named "her", needed a lot of work and TLC, but despite it all, she managed to just barely run. Mike, aka "Squid", was on the Varsity Water Polo team and on the swim team, and still kept up with a full time job at TARGET and then at LAMP POST PIZZA. He attended FULLERTON COLLEGE, and CSUF while working at Disneyland.
Graduation Christina's Graduation
Christina attended TROY HIGH SCHOOL in her freshman year, but transferred to ROSEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL when we moved to the Sacramento Area. She made a lot of new friends in the area and still lives there. Although her high school years were a little rocky, she graduated with good grades from ADELANTE HIGH SCHOOL. She's worked at a few fast food outlets, and lately has worked in preschool and childcare. She met and married David LeonGuerrero in 1996, and together, they soon had a little boy, David. In 1999, on St. Patrick's day, she gave birth to her second boy, Vincent Patrick.
Mike, Christina and Maggie At the Pool
Here's one of my favorite pictures of Mike & Christina together. I think that this was taken in our back yard in Yorba Linda in 1988. They're sitting together on the diving board with MAGGIE, our first VIZSLA.
Yosemite Valley Mike & Friend at Glacier Point
Mike and his friends like to do a lot of traveling. He is going to be married soon to "The Girlfriend of the Year" Danielle! Yosemite and Las Vegas are two of their favorite travel destinations.
David's first White Christmas Christina & Little David
The family celebrated a long overdue reunion at Christmastime here in Colorado. Luckily, we did have enough snow for little David to play in. Seems as if he's pretty curious about seeing the snow for the first time!