This page is dedicated to to all who strive to achieve accomplishments not thought possible. Without love, hope and the drive to achieve the impossible, life has little meaning.

Some of my interests include camping, fishing, and boating. I love music of all types. I enjoy working out and try to powerwalk 5 miles in one hour, 3 to 4 times per week. I also enjoy biking. I enjoy stimulating, intellectual conversation along with a joke or two. A few of my pet peaves include stupidity and self pity. Ohhhh..don't get me wrong once in awhile I feel sorry for myself, but try not to let it control my thoughts and actions. I have a passion for learning and meeting new and interesting people who actually have something to say!

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do. The man in the picture with me is the man of my life and dreams and now he is my husband. I love him very very much!!!! His name is Dennis. This picture was taken on a very beautiful lake in Texas at his residence. I had the most wonderful time. He actually had to push me on the plane to return to Iowa, hahahahahah..Note the breathtaking picture of the sunrise. I woke to this spectacular view. Dennis calls it a religious experience and I would defintely agree with him. How would you like to wake to this view each morning?....Gosh I would!!! Under Construction

"Life is Good When We See"
Life is good when we see, The most wonderful things that are to be.
A sign I held when together we came, My love for you no man could tame. Together we found a spark and a flame, A happiness and joy no one could explain.
Eating snow on a hot summer day, Together two hearts beating away. In the midst of a path we start a new way, Together walking along the way.
Life is good when we see, The most wonderful things that are to be.
To Dennis, from joni...

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