The Experiment

Aim: To determine the effects of alcohol on human behaviour.

Method: Subjects were gathered together in a room, with a large quantity of alcoholic beverages, few breakable objects, and one (relatively) sober note-taker. On this point, it is unadvisable to use a video camera to record the behaviour of the subjects, as this can become a distraction for the participants, affecting their behaviour, is a risk to the camera itself, and, lets face it, there are some things no one really wants to see twice (not to mention the obvious legal risks). Notes were made throughout the course of the evening, and condensed into single-sentence statements. No mention of individual incidents was included to preserve anonymity, and pseudonims have been used to protect the guilty. If, for some strange and twisted reason, you would like to try this experiment for yourself, a list of the drinks used in the experiment can be found here .
Name Drinks Behaviour Hangover
1. Sara 5 Stumbling, slight paranoia, loss of inhibitions Yes
2. Simone 6 Incoherent, unusually trusting No
3. Helen 4 Very sociable, talkative No
4. Tom 7 Slight stumbling and slurring of speech Yes
5. Jacob 6 Unusually outgoing and flirtatious Unknown
6. Danni 3 Hyperactive No
7. Lukas 10 Very little change Yes
8. Sally 8 Unable to stand, vomited and passed out Yes
9. Tara 2 No noticable cahnges No
10. Marni 4 Felt ill, very withdrawn Yes
11. Ella 7 Quiet, withdrawn Yes
12. John  4 Outgoing, other behaviour similar to Danni No

Conclusion: Pour me another one!

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