Welcome to Asshole Land

Am I ugly or what???? Does this haircut make my ears stick out??

Hello my name is Bruce & Welcome to my page !!

I am 44 and I am not married (Because I'm an ASSHOLE!)
& Live in Brisbane Australia

I work in private law enforcement.(when I feel like it)

I am in to the martial arts and Love chatting on the net.
It's a good place to pick up chicks. They're such suckers.

I use voice and video chat programs,(so I can take my clothes off)
which you can find in my links.

My page is pretty simple because basically that's what I am....simple.

I also have ICQ.....my number is 109597241
My yahoo ID is rav4_virago750
(I own both of those and have to compensate for having a
small dick, by advertising what I own.)

If you want to call me so I can try to get into your pants

here is my number.....0439 749 235

Call me for a good time

Please feel free to e-mail me. Come back soon I will be updating the page again soon. Thank you for your visit

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