Beer Sheva - The Capital of the Negev

Beer Sheva is one of the oldest cities in the world. Its history goes back thousands of years to the third millennium before Christ. After the collapse of the Roman empire, for centuries, Beer Sheva was deserted and only Bedouin tribes were shepherding their sheep and goats. Only at the end of the 19th century, the Turkish empire, which ruled the country, constructed the new Beer Sheva in its presence location.

On October 31, 1917 the British army, led by General Alenby, concurred the city from the Turkish Army. On October 22, 1948, the young Israeli army had fought its way into the city and released Beer Sheva from the Egyptian army.

Since then, Beer Sheva is growing constantly and became a regional modern city with all required services in health, education, employment, cultural, entertainment, regional government offices and more.

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