This is Paul, he the one who owns the car..Hes a bit of a nutter.He's 18, he goning out wiv a girl called Charlotte.
This is Berkie. Hes 17, I dont think hes got a girlfriend. He a bit of a nutter to. In fact most of my m8ts are nutterz.
This is a pic of my m8ts car, its an AX GT. The guy drivin is paul n the guy in the passenger is a lad called berkie.
This is Antony but everyone called him Tony or Wadged (dont know why eheh). He's 20 years old, and here he is doing his Ali-G impression :) WEST SIDE heheh
This is Tony pretending to be some sort of muscle man heheh. He got a long way to go hehe :)
This is me :) Doing my ALI-G impression :) WEST SIDE HEHEH
This is Tony..errr...Well just standing there really..Do you like my house hehehe
This is me doing my musle man impression hehe I think i got a long way to go aswell :)
This is my dog..She called peggy.
I took this pic without him knowing hehehe...
Look at the state of that desk....Its a tip!!!!!!!!