Hi...you've arrived at Steven Davies-Morris (SDM)'s home page.
I'm an ex-patriate Brit computer-programmer/dbms engineer & trainer
... a sometime aspiring musician and sci-fi writer-wannabe
...I've been living in SoCal since 1974.
Email me at mvdbmswizard@systemstheory.net for professional programming services/training workshops,
or send me personal and music related email at
Here's my mugshot.  It's fairly recent and reasonably flattering.
I signed up with GeoCities on September 14th, 1997 at 16:34:07, on a whim.  I moved myself in, and promptly set about doing nothing.  I've still got some of my stuff in boxes, so to speak, since it will be obvious that I haven't done that much with the site.  :-)  But that is all in the process of changing, now that I have some real use for a web-page.  Every now and then I log in here and fiddle with the page a bit, mainly adding a nifty new music-site link as I find them.
Amongst my interests are:
Music listening: Progressive rock in many forms, Jazz-rock fusion, adventurous world,
Celtic folk, spacey electronic, Flamenco guitar, some head-banging heavy-metal.
Also hot Latin dance music (for great dancing, if not necessarily for listening).
Computer programming, teaching & database applications design.
Scuba-diving, when I can (not often enough).
Cricket (there's a strong league in Southern Califonia).
Rugby (I don't play any more, unfortunately, though my wife thinks that's good).
American professional football watched from my comfy couch.
Old-fashioned table-top conflict simulations (Avalon Hill, SPI, GDW, Victory Games, etc).
Science-fiction (both reading and attempting to write it).
Ballroom, Latin and Night-club dancing with my wife (for now curtailed by young kids).
Professionally, I work under the corporate name Technical Software Solutions, after a decade as Applications Liberate Hardware, and am also a partner in a systems house -- The Cleaner System/DCIS, whcih provides database software on Linux for Dry Cleaners.  Most of my work is with the multi-dimensional family of database systems, derived from the innovative multi-valued data model of Don Nelson and Richard Pick, originally developed at TRW in the late 60s's, first commercially implemented on the Microdata firmware platforms in the early 70s, now available on platforms from Raining Data (previously Pick Systems), Northgate (previously McDonnell Douglas Information Systems), IBM/Informix (until recently Ardent Technologies), UniVision, jBase Software and Revelation Technologies.
I consult a great deal, since 1984, travelling all over the US, and sometimes teach workshops about the multi-dimensional databases (administration, fundamentals and programming). For many years this was done under the auspices of Jon Sisk's JES & Associates. My relationship with them was from 1989-2001 (see the JES link below.)  JES is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Raining Data, and unfortunately they've decided not to use outside experts for workshops.
The Cleaner System/DCIS is my pet project.  It is the evolution of an application package that my wife and I began work on (with our friend Don Ferguson) back in 1990.  The software is a super closed-loop application that runs multi-user point-of-sale using local Linux PC servers (running the mighty D3 dbms) and either dumb terminals like VT100 and Wyse 60, Winterm thin-client devices, or PCs.  This connects to a central corporate Linux / WinNT server environment for store --> region --> company data rollups and exports to industry-standard accounting packages (like MAS-90 or QuickBooks) and desktop decision support tools like Excel and Outlook.  We're currently enhancing it to provide a web-presence, web-based marketing, and make the solution available as a web-accessible ASP offering.  We've struggled to about 50 installations so far, and one day I might actually make some money out of it!
Links to Multi-Value DBMS professional sites on the Web
JES, Inc - The Multi-Value DBMS training company run by Jon Sisk, for whom I teach
Linux Learning - The Linux OS training company run by Jon Sisk, for whom I will be teaching
Database Trends/Computing News & Review - Monthly newspaper devoted to DBMS trends
Pick Systems - The supplier of the original Pick Multi-Value DBMS & O/S
Ardent Software - Supplier of uniVerse and Unidata Multi-Value DBMS environments
jBASE Software - Supplier of the jBASE Multi-Value DBMS environment
Via Systems - U.S. supplier of the UniVision Multi-Value DBMS environment.
General Automation - Supplier of the mv/BASE and R91 Multi-Value DBMS environments
MaVerick - The underway Open Source Multi-Value DBMS project
Binary Star - Supplier of the Nucleus Multi-Value DBMS development tools authored by Harvey Rodstein
3D Tek - Premiere Multi-Value DBMS recruiting specialists
The Cleaner System, LLC - The place to get high-performance software for the Dry Cleaning industry
I've been married to my lovely wife Sandy for over 11 years.  We tied the knot on August 9th, 1992, in a ceremony we wrote ourselves, performed by our dear friend and mentor Jim Gallagher, who is sadly no longer with us.  Come my birthday in  December 2004 we will have been together for 16 years.
We have 2 wonderful sons, Trevor (age 10) and Ian (age 6 1/2) who are quite the handful!  We currently reside in Simi Valley, in Ventura County, California, though we'd love to live in the tropics...The Cayman Islands, Barbados, Puerto Rico, The Bahamas, or further south in the Dutch Antilles Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao.  Before this we lived for years and years in Santa Ana, in Orange County, California.
When we vacation it is generally through timeshare exchanges.  We have two places at which we own timeshare weeks, one in Southern Californai and one on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Both of them trade extremely well when we want to go elsewhere in the world.  For trades we use RCI and Interval International.
I'm involved in an original music project with my life-long friend Gregory Amov, and our friend from Scotland Mike Dickson (see the Systems Theory link below).  We write music over the internet that can best be described as spacey, eclectic, electric progressive world music...with serious attitude.  Take some vintage Pink Floyd, King Crimson and Hawkwind, mix with some Tangerine Dream, Heldon and Jade Warrior, add a dash of modern elecronica, sprinkle it with some classicisms and some avant-jazz, stir in all kinds of ethnic music from around the world, especially unusual percussion instruments, spice it by placing a genuine Mellotron M400 dead center in the sound, and you'll have an idea of the undefinable something that we're trying to create. Perhaps Djam Karet meets Shakti meets Porcupine Tree?  When we get it right, please let us know!
Seventeen of our demo tunes, from two sets ("Demos 1999-2000" and "Demos 2001-2002") and several future tunes can be found on the web.  "Under Oriental Skies", "Breakdance In Hell", "Where Titans Sleep", "Strange Obsession" and "The Boy Who Gazed At Stars" (dedicated to Trevor) are the first set.  "Silent Service", "One Step To Freefall", "Serengeti Surprise", "The Cool Vibe Of Asia C.", "(I Am) The Reluctant Plumber" and "Red Sun Fading" are the second set.  These are all available in their entirity, as good quality downloadable MP3, via the Progressive Rock Collectors forum link below, or can be ordered from me (no charge) by sending me an email containing a snailmail.  Please visit our site, have a listen and leave comments on our "Read / Sign our guest book" page.  We expect to release our debut album "Soundtracks For Imaginary Movies" on April 1st 2004.  "Red Sun Fading" is also available of the PRC sampler available from on-line progressive rock vendors. We also have a page at the soundclick site that has MP3s for downloads and streaming music feeds for listening online. Some tracks are only available there: "Car Crash Messiah", "Water Through Fingers", "Check Please!", and "No Exit". We also have a special mix of edits taken from the album that provides a very good idea of what the record is all about. See Soundclick link below.
Links to music related sites on the Web
Systems Theory - My progressive/experimental electric world-fusion music project
Systems Theory on the soundclick downloads site
Under The Sun - Majestic and powerful modern progressive rock from my buddies in L.A.
The Offramps - Imaginative progressive folk-rock from the Futreal brothers in N.C.
Puppet Show - Heavy duty symphonic progressive rock from Northern California
Cast - Lush modern symphonic progressive rock from Mexico
Synthuser - Outstanding and unusual electronic music from Northern California
Jethro Tull - The official web site for this enduring dinosaur prog-folk-rock band
This Is! - The place to search the lyrics of Jethro Tull
Heldon - The official web site for this legendary space-prog pioneer
ProgNet - A good page for reviews of progressive music (especially progressive rock)
Gnosis - The major up-and-coming site for reviews of progressive music (especially progressive rock)
Progressive Ears - a great discussion forum for progressive music
Progressive Rock Collectors - a wonderful forum for those in search of rare and out of print progressive music
Delicious Agony Progressive Rock Radio - When you want to try something cool in the world of progressive music
Mellow Records - The #1 place for that incredible Italian progressive music
Cuneiform Records - One of a handful of labels that caters exclusively to very progressive music
Music News Network - Monthy progressive music newsletter
European Progressive Rock Reviews - More biased and subjective reviews of progressive rock
Eclectic Earwig Reviews - Mosty progressive rock, jazz, space & ambient music reviews...I write here
Dirk's Page - Home of the progressive Real Audio List & Friends Of Prog
Progrock.com - Progressive Rock radio over the internet
NEARFest - The annual North East Art Rock Festival
ProgDay - The longest continously running annual progressive festival
Hearts Of Space - Music for the deep space trip
Night Vision - progressive music radio on the internet
Mellotron Sample Page - Get Mellotron sample wav files here
Dag Sandbu's Collecting Tull site - A must if you're into collecting Jethro Tull music and other stuff
Richard Wrong's Pink Floyd site - A great site for Floyd themes with a very cool piece of *theme* art
Sonic Foundry - Makers of the incredible music-building software tools ACID and Vegas
Syntrillium - Makers of the killer digital editor Cool Edit
Links to some helpful sites on the Web
Yahoo Rocketmail - The email service I use when travelling
Ivillage.com - The web site for women where my wife hangs out
Yahoo - An excellent portal to the web
Deja News - The most complete place to search for archived news group material
Remarq - The best web-based news reader for people on the road
MP3.com - The place to go for all things related to the MP3 phenomenon
32bit.com - A great place for shareware & freeware software
Ziff Davis Publishing - Excellent source of computer info and software on the web
Real Media - The place to go for all things related to streaming Real Audio
WebRing.org - The place to go to find any association of Web Ringed web-sites
Freedrive.com - Get 50mb of totally free storage for sharing files over the web
Ticketmaster - The evil concert ticket monopolists
Links to some sites of merit on the Web
The Survivors' Voice - An Award-winning site about and for the survivors of childhood abuse
Stoutman's MP&THG site - A site for Monty Python lovers looking for *Holy Grail* sound-clips
Email me at mvdbmswizard@systemstheory.net for professional programming services/training workshops,
or send me personal and music related email at
Please come back soon and visit me again, by which time I will hopefully have done a little more work here,
and have more interesting and/or just plain cool links for you to visit.
Regards and best wishes to you and yours.
Steven Davies-Morris
© 1997-2002 Steven Davies-Morris, Tecnical Software Solutions, The Cleaner System, LLC, Systems Theory
This site was last updated: March 19th, 2004.
You are lost soul number to stumble through here, dancing madly backwards on a sea of air...