Jinna's Thoughts on Kim Ki Duk Films
Crocodile (1996)
  starring Cho Jae Hyun 

To ordinary city gals like
moi, crocodiles are those nasy-looking horrible reptiles living in zoos or (according to National Geographic documentaries) the dangerous, fast creatures that hunt for food in dirty muddy GREEN rivers usually in hot tropical continents, like Africa, and Southeast Asia. 
   In this film, however, Crocodile serves as a suitable nickname for  no-good loser, vagabond Yongpae, who, despite everything, leaves a strong impression and reminds us that humanbeings are no different from mere animals. Although humans can "talk" and "write" and "earn money"... i.e. seem civilized, we share the same animal "needs" and basic instincts -- we need our own private space; whether that be underwater for some people.

Yasaeng Dongmul Boho Guyeok
Wild Animals (1997)

A North Korean ex special forces soldier ends up meeting a South Korean foul thief and beggar in France and the two begin their weird companionship. The film contains Kim Ki Duk's typical comedy and theme of what I'd like to call "human lifes as vagabonds" and the "utterly meaningless boring
weight of being." What consoles us all? Money? Power? Revenge? Love? Sex? Art? Friendship? Or could the answer simply be Death?
  Those self-claimed critics who have a problem with Kim Ki Duk's works, they should ask themselves "What's the meaning of life?" before they decide to criticize and question the director as an individual instead of studying his films. 

Paran Daemmun
Birdcage Inn (1998) 

"A woman dreams of becoming a prostitute at least once in her life," so reads another poster of this film which intensity and symbolic meanings critics really did not manage to or dare try to fathom.
Birdcage Inn, Kim Ki Duk honestly and painfully descibes the sad, loveless life of a physically beautiful and attractive, mentally innocent and intact, but socially discriminated and materialistically abused prostitute, Jina (Lee Ji Eun). The film has a quiet ending, with compromise and understanding from Hye Mi (Lee Hye Eun) an educated younger sister of Jina, who overcomes her previous views, socially taught norms, and comes to accept friendship as being more important than her maidenhood.