Reasons for a travel

At the last moment, because of Cipride and of an unexpected engagement of our daughter, who was supposed to take care of her during our absence, my wife and I had given up the previously planned travel to Creta and had chosen a nearer destination, always in Greece, but more compatible with the poor adaptability of our kitten to travel by car.
photo from publication in
reference 1 of bibliography
Due to the circumstances, I thought that a reasonable solution would be to head to the coast between Igoumenitsa (the port of continental Greece nearer to Italy) and Préveza, because previously I had enjoyed the place when I had crossed it on my way to Leukas island.
Once I had decided the destination and collected as much documentation as I could in my bookshelf (basically  the Europe Atlas by Touring Club Italiano (T.C.I.), the tourist guide of Greece by T.C.I. and by Michelin), I began studying the travel route and it was then that my eyes fell on the name of the river which flows into the sea not far from Ammoudia (a small town, half way between Igoumenitsa and Preveza):
name that sounds very close to Acheron, the hell river well described by Homer, Virgil and Dante. 

A confirmation of the interpretation came soon after consulting the guides from which I learnt that the area behind Ammoudia is really crossed by the Acheron river and by Cocytus, the other well known hell river.

I had always believed that the above mentioned rivers belonged to a myth, and ignored, not only are they a part of a precise geographic reality of Epirus, but that archaeological excavation had even pointed out that the myth of Ulysses' descent into the Hades took, as a starting point, the presence of an oracle in the area since prehistoric times. Such discovery intrigued me much because, on the one hand, my travel to Greece allowed me to resume a study path initiated at the time of high school, on the other hand, the visit to the oracle permitted me to dwell on a few unsolved existential points of my life.

We learn from Odyssey that Ulysses, at a certain point of his wandering, is informed by Circe, the sorceress, that his fate would be decided only with the descent into the Hades where he could meet and consult Teiresias, the Teban prophet. As for me, following a parallel path, I could, in all modesty, with my journey to Greece, reflect on my life.

It was with this mood and intentions that I started on the journey I will illustrate in the following pages.

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