Heading West

This page is a tribute to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for allowing us to travel to the many parts of His world and see the many splendors He created for our pleasure.

Our travels really started in 1969 when our family went on it's first camping trip to celebrate the H/S graduation of our older daughter Rebecca. We (Mom, Dad, Rebecca and Evonne) started out in our 1964 Mercedes Benz 190G and a rented 'pop-up' camper headed West.


What an adventure we had in those days. It was the first time that any of us had been West of the Mississippi River and when we hit Texas we thought we were out West. Well we were wrong.

From Texas to Colorado...on we go.

After two days in San Antonio, we headed West again and by the time we got to New Mexico, the old '190' was panting from theheatso we headed North thru Raton Pass into Colorado and the high country. Pikes' Peak was high on our list to visit, so we drove the '190' up to the top. (Thats another whole story)

Colorado views from Pikes' Peak,

Campground, Family Visit

Gold mining and picking wild flowers.


We camped at the KOA in Woodland Park while visiting Colorado and took a side trip to Colorado Springs to visit Lillie's cousin Janice and her family.Janice's mom and dad were also there to visit at the same time, so we had a reunion.


Headed East, at last, toward home............

After leaving Colorado, we made our way across the great plains of Kansas. The winds were so strong at times that the old '190' could only maintain 50 MPH. We stopped in Dodge City for a visit to the famous Long Branch Saloon, of 'Gunsmoke' fame, and say hello to Miss Kitty. From there we headed South into Oklahoma and the East to Arkansas and Mississippi.

Oh, I almost forgot, the 2 purses in the picture above indicate that we are half way through our vacation and half the money is gone, so we must turn around and head for home and hope the money holds out till we get there. This logic worked well for us because we never had a "fixed" vacation schedule.


Headed South to the Jones' homestead in Plantation,FL.

A joyous conclusion to our first,of many, wonderful camping adventures.



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Last revised: July 29, 1999