Links to other sites on the Web
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (my B.Sc. school)
Materials Science and Engineering at U. of Delaware (my M.S. school)
Polymer Science at U. of Akron (my Ph.D. school)
Walailak University, Thailand (my work place)
My Master Thesis Advisor (Prof. J.M. Schultz)
My Ph.D. Thesis Advisor (Prof. G.R. Hamed)
My Paper in Polymer
Thai Students Organization (TSO) at U of Akron
Friends: Art , Delaware; Pat, Kentucky; Mesy, Bangkok
My favorite stores: Best Buy, J&R, Crutchfield, Shop4
My favorite camera shops: B&H, Camera World of Oregon
Cameras: Canon,
Films: FujiFilm , Kodak
Speakers: Infinity, JBL, Bose, Energy, PSB, Paradigm
Computers: Apple , Dell, Gateway
Baseball Clubs: Cleveland Indians, New York Yankees
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