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Louis Parminter - 09/18/00 23:23:04

I enjoyed your site. I am recruiting from the Philippines to Ireland and insist no placement fee for Filipinos coming to work here (too many others are takng advantage in Tangub / Ozamis areas of Filipinos charging them high placement fees to come to Ireland),I have a home in Oroquieta (my wife Marylou is from Talairon in Oroquieta). anybody from Ozamis/ Oroquieta or surrounding areas wishng to work in Ireland should make contact with me at. parmintl@indigo.ie or louisParminter@hotmail.com yours in the LORD Louis J.D. Parminter Managing Director Thompson, Parminter & Partners Ltd Dublin, Ireland

Ma - 08/06/00 23:50:00

tata - 07/29/00 07:49:12


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