Typhoon Pongsona - 12/8/02 - Vargas Pictures
Tyhoon Prep - Austin hammered in the clips

Austin and Lucky

Red Sky the night before the typhoon Flooding and bowing windows during the front side of the typhoon.
Sky Light blew away at 5:30pm before the eye passage
Lots of water coming through the roof. Living room windows are bowing and one blew off the track.
After the winds slowed down. 6am - Major fire coming from Cabras.
Land slide in front yard. More land slide.   The road was not blocked.
Tolen and Murphy house on the other hill.  Perry house below. Mom and Dad (and Austin) helping to cover the hole in the roof.
Right side of the house.   A little mud came down from the back. Wash out down towards Rose Fejeran's house.
Buckets lined up to catch all the water flowing in. Fire from Cabras.
Nic and Lorraine Cruz's house below. The front of our house did pretty well.   No debris or damage.  Sarah Perry and Austin on the porch.
Fire at Mobil Oil tank farm on Cabras Island.  Top blew off a tank and it ignited during the storm. Taken from the Navy fuel pier across the water.
Adelup Mobil with downed pumps.
Harvest Christian Academy PreSchool Rooms.
Tuesday - The fire is still burning. Land slides in front of my house.
Land slide on the Cabral side. Land slide on the Fejeran side.
Mudslide at Wilfred and Virginia Leon Guerrero's house. Mobil/McDonalds station on Route 8.
Car Wash at the Route 8 Mobil station. Dad's back yard.   His shelter is totaled.
More of Mom and Dad's back yard. Mom and Dad's house.  Austin's tree house partially standing.
Deck carpeting ripped off the floor. Top of Gil's storage shed lost one tin.
Back of house with a little debris. Other side of backyard.
Muddy water came in through the 2nd floor bathroom.
Monday - Mobil fire burning for 24 hours.  Top blew off a tank and it ignited and blew.  Two other tank caught fire. Tuesday - 4th tank burning and 5th tank is smoking.