In order to get in touch with Moondance, you have the following options.
1. On-board email - we'll have HF radio-based email, with the address of: It will most likely be a little while before we get this up and running.
Any message mailed to this address will have to be short (about a page of text max.) and no attachments. Radio-based data transmission is very slow and we can't clog the airwaves with our messages.
2. Land-based email - we are maintaining an internet-based email account through yahoo - We will check it any time we can get to a place with web access, so there may be a delay in response. Best to send messages to both the land and sea and we'll get back to you soonest possible.
3. You can mail physical things to our old address and it will eventually be forwarded or picked up by the folks who are looking after our things back home (thanks PB!).
4. There is marine telephone service available through AT&T, so we can be reached that way also. Our call sign is wcy6324.