Simple Philosophies
These are just some of the simple rules I try my best to live by, to keep my life as simple and as trouble free as possible. I like things simple. :-
Honor is the only thing that can not be stolen, coerced, conned, or taken away in any manner from a person. The only way to lose honor is to throw it away.
BE YOURSELF! You can't fool people for long with an act, and when the real you shows through, as it always will eventually, the people you have fooled with an act will no longer trust anything about you.
True strength is the control and gentling of strength.
Yesterday is gone, and cannot be changed. Tomorrow is not here yet, and is unknown. Deal with Today.
Your arms aren't long enough to box with God.
No matter the situation, no matter the circumstance, always stay on the high moral ground. Do what is right, and you will have nothing to regret later.
When stuck in bad traffic, or cut off by rude drivers, avoid yelling and cursing and waving your arms around if you are by yourself. People will only think that you look silly.
No matter how bad things seem, it could be worse. It could be raining.... HARDER!
If you give something, do so unconditionally. A gift with conditions is not a gift, but an item for sale.
Whenever possible, use the KISS principle, (Keep It Simple, Stupid).
Don't worry about the things that you can not control. They will happen anyway.
Every once in awhile, stop EVERYTHING you are doing, and just be at peace for a moment.
If you have extra, why hoard it? Give it where it can do some good.
More to come as I think of it and it applies to my life.

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