Welcome - Willkommen - Welkom - Dag - Ola - Ciao 

Herzlich willkommen auf meiner neu überarbeiteten Homepage.

Wenn Ihr das erste Mal hier sein solltet, lasst Euch ein wenig Zeit zum Umschauen.
Neu hinzugekommen sind:

- Photos aus Taiwan (nicht mehr ganz neu)
neue Photos in Kürze
- Photos von unserem Urlaub in Suedengland

sanctuary knocker - Durham
Welcome on my redesigned homepage

If this is the first time you visit this page take some time to browse those pages. For those people coming back some informations on new items.
new is:

- Photos from Taiwan ( not very new anymore)
- new photos from our short break in the south of England

Thats me - das bin ich Photos - Bilder Links (will start a new browser)
 more about me Photos from overseas
 a thought for the day Photos from the north of england  Do something amazing today - save a life
 tourism and the environment Photos from the south of england  need a car somewhere in the world - give me a call
 what does europe mean to you    get the grey matter working again 
New College Durham
   haegar the horrible is back  Get to grips with currency conversion
     ESG Oldenburg
     one of the best searchengines in the net 

my postbox
(no spamming)