heide baer - 12/23/00 01:53:02
My Email:hbaer@bchmc.bc.ca
Hi Dad!! I'm so proud of what you've accomplished on this here website! I must say I am curious as to how you go about promoting it: all the world should see it! Love you bunches: heide :)
John Philip Baer - 12/14/00 10:11:50
My Email:jpbaer@homtail.com
Hi dad
this page is looking better then ever :)
i love the work!
love your son phil
Ruth Small - 12/13/00 01:37:01
My Email:ruth294@juno.com
great site! also home sick.
Ruth Small - 12/13/00 01:25:22
My Email:ruth294@juno.com
I am so home sick after visiting this page .
Bob & Sue Dahl - 11/07/99 16:02:12
My Email:crdahl@pol.net
Great! Enjoyed your website and commentary, especially the inaugural of the Canauan golf course.
roswithahaas - 10/04/99 07:08:37
My Email:roswithahaas@yaho.com
Ist eine Super Idee ein homepage zuhaben. Die Insel ist wunderschoen und Du bist aktiv wie immer.
Monique Dopwell - 03/23/99 04:09:54
My Email:mdopwell@home.com
You have a great site!! It was very inspiring to me as I was really feeling home sick. Thank you for sharing your great memories and adventures.
Donna - 03/05/99 15:33:44
Congratulations from your Grenada faculty colleague.
Simone - 02/10/99 22:18:29
I really liked this page!
PeTeR - 02/09/99 10:27:41
My Email:dad@dadster.com/
I see you webpage is going along good. I wouls like to say hi to the ppl of st.vincent and wish all the best to my son RICK and to the the mother KaY.
best regards,
Peter Baer
Jim and Ursula HENDERSON - 02/03/99 21:45:32
My Email:jhenders@caribsurf.com
Congratulations to all concerned for a great chip off the old block.
Holzmann Sigrid - 02/01/99 09:39:18
My URL:http://www@kfunigraz.ac.at
My Email:sigrid.holzmann@kfunigraz.ac.at
Dear mother and hans,
congratulations to such a nice boy, named Rick. I am sure, you both as well peter will have much fun with him. Good luck and best wishes
Lieber Hans, bitte gebe meine Wünshe auch Deinem Sohn weiter (ich weiß ja nicht ob er mich kennt).
Hans - 01/31/99 18:11:54
Checking out this guestbook - granddad