Welcome to my Guestbook!

11/30/00 17:23:42
Name: John Faulkner
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice Job! Next time study in the US!

04/26/00 09:34:43
Name: loay Qayed
My URL: Visit Me

Good man

04/14/00 12:06:14
My URL: Visit Me


04/08/00 07:01:28
Name: Loay
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Well done, and all the best Please, and I mean Please check your spelling

02/07/00 06:46:26
My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite movie: raj or ranin #1

ella indrella...karella...kaisahella...inshalla be'7eirela...bohod acha hai ella...yehhh...hompagella...yeeehhhh..dosety...hum nahi chorengiii..inshalla..we'll stay best friendella..for everelllaa..achallelall..mirchillila kawela..indrella...'7odafez

09/15/99 12:55:49
Name: moondark My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite URL: http://www.slee6.com
Your favorite movie: hammam fee amesterdam , face off ,

well my friend 7maid el 7medy , Tom kaisah , I hope u r achah make home page for me okkk , shoo ya3ny enteh a7san meny , ana ba3ad 3endy mo3jabeen , doom yes'eloony 3an el homepage yalah do for me

04/11/99 18:11:16
Name: Slee6
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Salaam there, I looked over your pages and they are really nice.. Keep up the good work..

04/04/99 12:52:25
Name: Keli My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite URL: not as yet
Your favorite movie: what ever is going

hi mate we have just meet on icq hope too keep talk to u all the best love always love from keli

02/28/99 23:53:39
Name: Hussain
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just i want to say one thing SAK AL DAKAN

02/28/99 20:28:28
Name: Erik Persson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite URL: http://www.kurtcobain.com
Your favorite movie: Hmm...Armageddon is hard:)

I like this page Humaid.. I really do.. Just wanted to say: Donīt eat the yellow snow..

01/18/99 23:37:50
Name: Wondering Raven
My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite URL: http://www.sistym.com

i am the dark night a shadow to be against the racist pigs who dare to mock a country cause of i live in america i was born here i see nuthin but stupiidty, stupidity of america and iraq how dare people maybe i should over throne all powers and rule this very world. quote the Wondering Raven Never More!

01/18/99 20:31:56
Name: esam My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite URL: www.arabtimes.com
Your favorite movie: interview with the vampire


01/03/99 03:41:32
Name: Raymond Reid My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite URL: mine
Your favorite movie: casablanca

5,000 word chess dictionary

12/30/98 19:29:56
Name: pascale My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite URL: burton.com
Your favorite movie: scream 2

good job humaid xxx yours pascale

12/17/98 11:30:44
Name: Abdulla Omar
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Good job Humaid..

12/16/98 06:44:42
Name: dwaween
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi humaid you get a great homepage and I like it very much, so keep going.

12/05/98 20:49:37
Name: Waleed Al-maghrabi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Umaid ... I just wanna tell you well done u have a great homepage .. keep going my friend and good luck .. ok 7abeeeeeeeeeeb ALBA ... lek VERJNEE sho ra7 te3mal .. if u gona ask me I will say ma AUDRY .. hahaha .. byeeeeee

12/04/98 21:23:50
Name: hhhh
My URL: Visit Me

good work humaid

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