Welcome To Ian & Nika's
Overseas Epic Site Info

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Detailed below are some tips on how to get the most from this site, solve a few problems we've experienced and some general info how the site has been constructed and maintained.

If you still have any problems loading or suggestions, drop Ian an email at ian_inbox@hotmail.com

This site really needs Explorer 5.0 or the equivilant Navigator version to run properly.

LOADING ERRORS: Web pages hosted on the Geocities site are having some widepread problems loading correctly with older browsers - resulting in "Java Script" errors being displayed on the screen

These errors won't harm your computer / files or stop you from looking at our page with an older browser - click on the "YES" button to continue loading. These errors are due to the pop up ads that Geocities put on our web page not working reliably with older browsers (their JavaScript is not bulletproof - damn shabby on my web page - but they help keep the web pages free!)

Also, if you're not running the latest browsers, then you're missing out on heaps of really great stuff on the Web - get a free copy of these programs on the cover CD of almost any internet magazine or download them directly from Uncle Bill at Microsoft downloads (program name is "internet explorer 5.01").

This page is optimised for an 800x600 screen resolution.

Each time you load, click on the "REFRESH" button to ensure your computer loads the latest version of each page. Some browsers store the last version of the page you loaded on the computers hard drive - this doesn't automatically bring up any changes we've made.

This page has a new simpler address --> www.geocities.com/ian-nika/
(The old www.geocities.com/thetropics/isand/6065/ address will continue to work as well)

This site is hosted free by Geocites - they do this in exchange for those annoying ads which pop up on the screen. They provide a huge 15MB of space, and if more space is required, there's no reason why you can't start another free account under a different name - it's easy to invisbily link the two sites together as one.

Our website is currently 13 megabytes in size - the bulk of this is pictures.

All the HTML is hand written with an editing program which lives on the Geocities site. We do this so we can edit the pages 'on the run' at cyber cafes - without needing specialised web editing programs.

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