Hello, I'm Manda. And that's Ben.
This page has much more than wedding photos! |
Ben and Manda's wedding
stuff - including the "Monkey and Octopus" watercolour calendar
Manda's stuff
Travel photos
News (with photos)
I've just realised that you all have been or will be putting up with the horrible "Ad Square" at the top of all the pages of this website. I thought I had been avoiding
it by using the geoguide banner program offered in the past. But since June 2001, "Yahoo! GeoCities no longer offers GeoGuide banners as an alternative to the Ad Square."
(Direct quote from customer support).
Sorry, but until Yahoo Geocities changes their policy back (unlikely) or I move to another provider (any suggestions as to free space with no pop-up ads?) you will have to close the Ad Square on each and every one of these pages.
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